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Chapter Sixteen | The Ghetto

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Chapter Sixteen | The Ghetto

Seeing Grayson freak out over my black eye was probably one of the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. The moment was supposed to be all serious and suspenseful, but Grayson pacing back and forth through the school restroom like a mad man was making it hard for me to take the situation serious. His face was hard, his brows furrowed, and his brown eyes wide as he walked from wall to wall, mumbling words far too fast for me to comprehend.

"Who did this to you?" Was the only sentence I could make out, as I sat on the restroom sink with my legs dangling off the edge, watching the boy freak out.

"Grayson, it's not that big of a deal." I repeated for the millionth time it seemed.

Grayson stopped in his tracks. "What do you mean it's not a big deal? You have a black eye!" He pointed at the left side of my face and I rolled my eyes.

"So what? It's not the first black eye I've had and I'm sure it won't be the last." I admitted, my arms folding across my chest.

Grayson exhaled a sigh, leaning against the tiled walls of the restroom. He locked eyes with me, and for a quick moment there seemed to be a hint of hurt in his eyes, but he quickly blinked and averted his gaze before I could call him out on it.

"So you're not going to tell me what happened?"

I shrugged my shoulders, my feet unknowingly swinging over the edge like a child. "I mean it already happened Grayson. There isn't really too much you can do about it. It's best we just go on about our day."

Grayson shook his head no. "I'm not going to forgot about it," He made his way over to me, his eyes practically glaring into mine. "Was it that ex boyfriend of yours that did this?"

"Ha!" I let out a cheap laugh, slightly offended by his assumption. "Brave of you to assume Elon can beat me up. If anything you should be making sure I'm not the one kicking off in his ass, okay?"

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