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Chapter Fifteen | Man Of The Year

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Chapter Fifteen | Man Of The Year

They say sex changes a man, and you know what? They're absolutely right.

For once when I woke up, I felt refreshed. The sun was peaking through my curtains, and I immediately got up and let the beaming sun rays shine through. The warmth of the sun felt nice against my skin, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Today seemed like the kind of day when you don't notice the weather at all. The sky is blue, it isn't warm or cold and I swear I can hear the birds signing outside my window. Even they were proud of me.

It took everything in me not to just open my window and scream, "Hey world, I ate some pussy yesterday!", but I refrained, because a group of elementary school kids were making their way to the bus stop and that would just be a weird way to start the morning.

Anyways, Elena and I finally took our relationship to the next step — kind of. Even though it was just oral it was still progress, at least for me that is.

I can't stop replying the images in my head. It's like every time I close my eyes I see how Elena's legs were squirming as she was practically melting in my mouth. At first, I thought I was doing it wrong, but after Elena was damn near begging for me to do it again, again, and again — I figured I must've been doing something right.

She left my house with the widest, ear to ear grin I've ever seen her have. The sight of her smiling like that did something to me, and the fact that I knew it was because of something I did made it all the better.

I feel like the man of the year.

I don't even remember getting ready this morning. It seemed like in an blink of an eye I had showered, brushed my teeth, and put on a decent outfit for school. Putting on a little bit of my favorite cologne, grabbed my backpack from off my desk, I made my way downstairs.

Entering the kitchen I was hit with the delightful smell of morning breakfast. Usually I'd skip breakfast at home, and just go by Chick-Fil-A before going to school, but I was in a good mood today, and I guess I have a little time to spare.

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