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Chapter Twenty-Two | Important Call

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Chapter Twenty-Two | Important Call

After school I trudged into the the homecoming committee room lazily. My feet drug against the floor, creating an awful screechy noise. It was irritating but I was aggravated. I didn't want to be here, here with these people. I just wanted to go home and take a nap, but I have to come here and help out, and with homecoming being right around the corner things are really starting to get a little hectic. And plus, I felt the need to do at least something nice for Elena since I kissed her boyfriend and whatnot.

It's weird, this off feeling of guilt that's been consuming me since that night. The guilt sat not on my chest but inside my brain. What I had done I could not un-do. I could make amends in subtle ways, but confession was out of the question, even to sweet little Elena.

I stood by the door watching everyone, the room filled with the new recruits Elena had picked out a couple days ago. Some where talking amongst each other while others were painting banners, everyone was doing something. To be honest, I didn't even know the school made the students do all this for homecoming. I thought they did it themselves, but no, we're doing this on our own, like slaves. That just goes to show you how much I involve myself with school activities.

The closer I got, the more people started to come into view. I swear, I've never seen some of these people at day in my life and I've been going to this school for four year. My eyes suddenly landed on Elena, she sat on a table with a couple of people by her side. Their shirts marked with excess paint, but Elena seemed to be so intrigued by whatever they were saying to her she didn't even notice. One of people she was talking with eyes suddenly met mine and they nodded towards me making Elena turn her head in my direction.

"Aries, you came!" Elena smiled a toothy smile as she hopped off the table and made her way over to me.

I sighed, my eyes roaming around the room at all the ruckus going on, "It's not like I had much of a choice."

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