Chapter 1: The Transplant

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AN: First thing's first, the whole idea for this story comes from the_star_nerd

Edited: Idk why I can't tag them.


Geno doesn't have much time left. The doctors said that there was nothing they can do. The inevitable is about to happen.

CQ couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her stress filled mind couldn't comprehend the severity of his eldest son's situation. She couldn't accept it. She refused to accept it. There has to be another way!

There has to be something that could help her baby. Anything for her son to live longer. To live a normal life. CQ promised that she'll do anything for her son to live.

And she was right. There was another way.

That was to replace his soul.

But that was nearly impossible. Because it means taking the life of another.

Error, CQ's second eldest son, bravely volunteered to give more than half of his soul in order for his beloved older brother to live, yet his mother instantly denied the idea.

No, the risk was too great. She could end up losing both of them. She can't risk it. She can't handle it.

It's hopeless. There really was nothing they can do to prevent Geno's impending death. Even Geno himself has accepted his fate.

It was against his will, but he knew very well that struggling was futile. He could feel himself slowly fading as the days passes by as he lie in his bed in the hospital.

CQ and Error almost never left Geno's side. They're always there. Dreadfully waiting for Geno's last moments alive.

Until, a miracle happened.

Someone was willing to give their whole entire soul.

Relief washes over CQ as she broke down in utter gratefulness that her prayers have been heard. She wanted to thank whomever this kindhearted person was, it was the least she could do.

But the unknown donor refused to personally meet her. For some reason, they didn't want to show themselves to her.

It arises the suspicion in the worried mother but she swallowed the building up anxiety in her chest knowing full well that there's no room for doubt.

Her son was running out of time.

She blindly accepted the stranger's offer and the operation was immediately scheduled as soon as possible.

Two weeks later, CQ was glad to see her eldest son was recovering nicely. The soul transplant was successful. There seems to be no complication with the soul's compatibility with Geno's body.

She happily watched her three sons excitedly bicker with each other. Planning the day their older brother will finally be released from the hospital.

Everything was finally going to get better.

Although CQ couldn't get the unknown donor out of her mind. She didn't even get a chance to get a glimpse of the said person. The doctor said that the donor instantly turned to dust upon cutting off the connection of their soul from the body.

She was forever grateful to the stranger for giving their life to save her son from impending death.

"Momma! Momma!" the dark boned child nearly screamed for her attention while tugging at the bottom hem of her sweater.

The mother gazed down at her second son before inquiring the matter. "What is it, sweetie?" She sweetly asked the child and knelt down on the child's eye level.

The said child immediately points an accusing finger at his younger brother behind him. The one dawned in painfully bright colored clothes standing close to the bed of their eldest brother. "Fresh said he'll take Geno to the amusement park and ride the roller coaster with him when we comes home." Error said rather dissatisfied with the idea.

"That's sounds fun, don't you think?" CQ cooed at her concerned child.

"But he's sick!" Error countered.

"No, honey. Not anymore." it felt like a relief saying those words. It brought a warm smile on her lips and her eyes twinkled with unshed tears of happiness.

Error's outstretched arm faltered, looking at his mother with wide disbelieving eyes. "He's not?" he asked, wanting to confirm the newly acquired data. "You mean he's not going back here ever again?"

His mother gave an affirmative nod and he quickly ran back to his older brother's side. Bombarding him with tons of questions regarding his health.

CQ stood up from her kneeling position and leaned her shoulder against the door frame, happily watching his sons from afar.

The day comes when Geno was well enough to leave the hospital and Error and Fresh were excitedly leading the way out of the building. Holding hands with their eldest brother while talking about their plans as soon as they come home.

Hopping into the car without as much as a thought as they sat into their assigned seats with Geno always, and forever be, stuck in between his two endlessly bickering younger siblings.

The small family arrived at home to be surprised by their neighbors throwing a 'welcome home' party for Geno.

Ink, an artistic child, joyfully welcomed his friends and immediately pulled the three brothers inside to play a game. Barely registering their mothers giving them a soft warning to be careful.

CQ was crowded by her adult neighbors. They congratulated her for overcoming a great obstacle in her life. They were glad to hear the news that her kid was finally going to live a normal life without death constantly looming over him.

All was well as the kids played and laughed together until...

"kill them!"

A voice startled Geno as he whipped his head behind him. His only eye darting around the room, in between and behind the scattered partying adults, searching for something or someone who would've been a perfect suspect of commanding such cruel thing.

He listened to the incoherent talks of the adults, trying to pinpoint the right voice that accurately matches the one he had abruptly heard. But there's none.

And it greatly bothers his young innocent mind to see people casually talking and nonchalantly moving around when he clearly heard someone demanding murder in the middle of a crowded place.

It was like nobody had heard anything.

to be continued....


AN: I am estimating that this story will take maybe 5 or 6 chapters.

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