Chapter 12: The Rescue

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AN: I have never unfriended someone so fast in my entire life...




The metal door swung open, slamming against the wall and creating a loud bam that violently disrupts the quiet air. Armed police force flooded the rooftop and surrounding the two young skeletons. Cornering them on the edge of the tall building.

Geno pressed himself closer to Reaper, clutching a fistful of the dark hoodie as he hid behind the taller. Reaper watched with an unimpressed look on his face as the police assemble themselves in a semi-circle formation with their guns aimed right at him.

"Don't move!" one of the policemen warned and aims the pistol right at the taller skeleton's head. Reaper assumed that he was the leader of the operation. "Put your hands where I can see them!" the leader added.

Reaper complied and raised his hands over his head. Although the bare display of lack of fear from the taller skeleton, despite the tens of barrel of guns aimed at him, sent an unsettling feeling in the policemen as their grips tightened around the handle of their weapons and remained alert for any sudden movement.

Geno was terrified. Why are the police pointing their guns at them? Are they gonna shoot? A whimper escaped him as he visibly trembles. Are they gonna kill them?

A flash of pink caught Reaper's eye, it frantically runs around and behind the line of policemen; pushing through the front line and Reaper immediately recognizes the person.

"Geno!" CQ called, ignoring the police trying to pull her back behind the line.

The smaller skeleton perked up at the familiar voice of his mother. He peeked a little from behind Reaper to see her standing there, slightly panting and sweaty from all the running. "Momma!" he called back, relief flooding his system at the mere sight of her. They're saved!

"Geno, my baby! Come here! Come to mommy!" CQ cooed but her usual sweet tone was gone, marred with panic and utter fear. Opening her arms and kneeling on one knee which conveys a welcome manner to further encourage her son.

Geno stepped around Reaper, although his grip remained intact on the taller skeleton's jacket, which Geno tugged in a manner that ushers Reaper to come. "Let's go! Momma's here! We're safe!" he said, trying to pull Reaper forward, who remained fixed on his spot.

"Geno, get away from him! He's a bad person!"

The smaller skeleton heard his mother's call and he turned his head to face her. Her eyes were wide with terror and her pink hair was a mess. "No, momma! He's my friend!" Geno replied.

The simple reply made CQ's heart wrench with anxiety and her open arms dropped to her sides. What has the stranger done to her son? "No, sweetie! He kidnapped you! Get away from him!" she told her son again.

"He didn't, momma! He's my friend!" Geno insisted, staying put right beside Reaper and once again pressing himself against the taller skeleton's side, who has remained silent the whole time with his hands still raised.

"Geno, please! Just..." CQ practically begged, tears springing from her eyes, blurring the edge of her vision. "Just come to me, please! I need you!" CQ said, outstretching both of her arms forward and inviting her son towards her. Letting out a sob as her lips formed an ugly frown.

Geno's determination faltered at the sight of his desperate mother begging him to come. Then he looked up at Reaper who remained stoic during the whole conversation and eyes fixed forward. Geno didn't want to leave him. The police might hurt him.

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