Before You Read

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Hello to all of my lovely readers and welcome to my flawed creation! I'm delighted that you somehow stumbled onto this book. But, despite my excitement, I feel like I should start off with a very healthy warning.

All of my books contain triggers and inappropriate scenes for children and those of us that are sensitive to such situations. This book contains a lot of scenes that may be upsetting or too sexual for some people. Because I am warning you now there will be no warning later as I think they ruin the flow of the book and the intensity of such scenes.

Please do not have full blown discussions in my comments section. I don't mind that you speak what you're thinking or certain thoughts that may arise from some scenes but I don't not care much for deleting arguments about politics and veganism every day. It's very tedious. Talk about what you're passionate about, the second it turns malicious or gets out of hand it gets deleted.

Do not base my book off of other books you have read. All the information you need about my characters, the settings, the technology is in the book itself.

For those of you who have abled over from my werewolf books this is not a werewolf book at all, in any regard, and does not cross over with the universe of Adeline or Willow or Vienna.

Lastly, if you are in need of a friend or a listening ear I would like to extend a warm welcome to my inbox. I don't always reply super fast, but I'm happy to listen to anything you need to get off your chest or stand by you as you tackle the tougher things in life.

Now that you have gotten to the end of my ugly rant please enjoy my writing. Vote and comment if you like it, it means the world to me.

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