Bicorn {4}

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Luke's pov*** *Photo Above*

So my wickedly hot best friend is now my boyfriend. He's sleeping right next to me. in his...boxers. Oh my god. I really hope I'm not dreaming. better check.

"Ow!" I said smacking.

"Why the hell did you just smack yourself!" said Derek

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed. falling onto the floor.

"sorry, good morning babe" he chuckled giving me a kiss.

"That doesn't let you off the hook that easy" I said breaking away.

"Guess I'll have to try harder? and speaking of hard..." he said.

He kissed down my chest, along my abs, making my body pulsate. rewarding him with a slight a moan. He ginned. He pulled my wasteland of my boxers down his with teeth. He then started to flick my tip with his tongue and started to suck, a little more down each time. making him gag a little. Which turned me on extremely.

"Suck my dick bestie." I said laughing a little.

"Shut the fuck up" he said.

"You first" I said raising my eyebrow.

I began to move my hips a little more. making him gag a little. It feels good not being the bitch I admitted to myself. I moaned a little louder....reaching my peak.

"Oh fuck derek, I'm about to...hmmm" I said as I came.

"That...was...amazing. Not bad for a first timer." I said through muffled breathes giving him a high five.

"I promise you'll get rewarded" I said with a smile. I kissed him passionately. tasting myself a little on his lips.

"You better. Oh and Luke you're the bottom" he said with a wink.

"I don't mind, as long as you know how to use it right" I said.

"I haven't had any complaints" he said.

Shelly knocked on the door and opened it.

"Boys breakfast is ready, and it smells like sex in here, how many times do I have to tell you, keep their stomach full and then their balls empty." Shelly said.

"Mom we'll be right out. Please shut the door." I said with a shocked expression.

Derek started dying of laughter and I hit him in the stomach.

"Oh shut up whore." I grumbled

we both made our way to the bathroom. we both brushed our teeth and made our way to the kitchen.

"You are a saint mom! but please no sex jokes." I said.

"Come on now Luke, I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom." Shelly said.

"Mean girls. mom. seriously" I said.

"Just eat your breakfast." she said.

"Anything planned today?" she said.

"We're probably just going to hang out with John and Michael today" I said

"Sounds like fun. Ask Michael if he saw mean girls last night" she said.

"I will." I said.

We finished our breakfast and went to my car and turned up the radio.

"Bang Bang all over you! I know you want it, bang bang all over you, I know you got it. wait a minute let me take you there. wait a minute let me. ahhhh hey!" we sang to the music.

"Wow. We are so gay." he said laughing.

"Well one of us is." I said smiling.

"hey, don't worry I won't cheat on you." he said holding my hand

"I know." I said nodding.

We drove to Michaels house parking on the side of the street. we walked over and knocked. His older sister Cassie answered.

"Hey Luke, Hi derek! Miguelito is downstairs." She said closing the door behind us.

We walked downstairs and saw Michael and John.

"Luuke! Deerek!" he yelled coming over to hug us.

"What's up?" Michael said smiling.

"Recovering from your banshee screech" I said

"Dito." Derek said.

"Oh shut up you love me." Michael said.

"Michael you're an interesting fellow. But I have to take they're side." John said

"No one asked you duck dynasty" Michael said.

"Wanna play some titanfall?" Michael asked.

"Hell yeah" I said.

"You're going down princess" Derek said.

"You already did." I whispered in his ear.

We played for a good a while and decided to go home. It was a school night and had to get back.

"It was nice hanging out, Mike see ya at school!" I said.

"Bye guys thanks for stopping by" he said waving at us.

"Hey John do you need a ride?" I asked.

"Nah my aunts picking me up soon" he said

"okay" I said.

"oh and Michael did you see mean girls last night. my mom wanted to ask you?" I said

"Tell your mom. It's like she has ESPN or something" he said with a wink.

"I will" I laughed.

Me and Derek left the house. I drove him home and made my way to my house. I really hope this lasts more than the others. He's my best friend and I'm beginning to really love him. Not sure if that's good or bad but I'm passionate about it and of Derek. I went to bed thinking about how I was going to tell Michael and John. but I thought for a second. He has to come out. I can't do it for him. I fell asleep peacefully thinking of.....I smiled....My boyfriend.


A.N. So new characters! what do you think of them? Think they should have their own story? Some of them are real people? I love you guys so much. You're actually reading yourself. I hope it's cool haha.

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