Bicorn {5}

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. God I loved my mom even though I know she could be a bad bitch...I wonder where she got that from. I got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen.

"Bathroom. Teeth. Shower. Change." she said from the kitchen pointing to bathroom not looking up from the stove.

"But I want ba-" she cut me off raising an eyebrow at me.

"Okay.Okay. Fine." I said putting up my hands in surrender.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, put in my contacts, did my hair with a little swoop, put on light blue V-neck with with straight black jeans and red converse sneakers, and as I final touch I put on my signature all black beanie. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Okay I don't say this often. but I really do look fabulous." I said satisfied.

"Yes you do gurl. work!" mom said.

"Mom, there's this thing parents do before they come into their kids room. It's called knocking." I said sarcastically

"I made you breakfast you ungrateful little hipster, now go in that kitchen and eat your carbs." mom said.

"Is butter a carb?" I said laughing.

"Yeeess." mom said with a smile.

"Thanks mom." I said giving her a hug.

"You're welcome! Eat fast school starts in 30 minutes. " she yelled to the kitchen.

I finished all my food in 15 minutes and got to school right on time too pull right on up near Derek's car. He got out of his the same time I got out of mine.

"Morning sexy." I said and kissed him he moved his face to the side.

"Morning" he said cautiously.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry! " I said apologetically.

"It's fine! When I get home We can okay. Here they don't need to know our business. I'm afraid Charlie, Wes, and Brian might hurt me." Derek said.

Charlie, Wes, and Brian were three homophobic meat heads that went to our school. They were on the Football team, which made it kind of an issue sometimes Cuz me and Derek both played Soccer. So we had to run into them a couple times. They never had problem with me. Cuz they feared me. They knew I was a third degree blackbelt. Thank you momma!

"I won't let them touch you. I'll beat them all for you. You're my boyfriend." I growled.

Derek looked side to side before picking me up and pushing me to the side of the wall school. His lips crashed into mine. He bit my bottom lip a little opening my mouth slightly and letting our tongues dance a little. We pulled apart and he let me down slowly.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"mmhm" I said nodding my head. Feeling slightly paranoid. I wasn't sure if I loved him yet. I had to make sure. I never really been in a real relationship. I've just had flings and nothing more. This was all new to me too.

Bicorn (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now