Bicorn {6}

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I knocked on Derek's door and was greeted by Stephanie.

"Hey Luke, Derek's in his room" She said smiling.

"Thanks Steph" I said

I made my way upstairs into Derek's room. I knocked before entering.

"Come in." he said as I walked in.

He was putting on a tank top as he did I couldn't help but stare at his tan muscular six pack, the sun light was shining just right as it glistened his body, he was sweaty from working out, his v line looked perfect.

I walked over to him. Looking deep into his eyes. Those beautiful chrstal blue eyes as if the ocean were in them, and was electrified by a lightning storm. A blue you could only dream of.

"Do you really love me?" I asked almost pleading.

"I do, You have a magnificent personality, you're funny, you're smile always seems to light me up, and you're body. Is the bomb!" he said. I smiled.

"See? everytime you do that." he said gesturing at my smile. "I could just get lost in it."

"Same goes for your eyes. Everytime I look into them, it's like your hypnotising me with your vampire glamoure" I said laughing.

"Well in that case. I've come to suck your blood." he said in a romanian accent.

He kissed my neck, as he nibbled it a little, moans escaped my mouth, he smiled a little, He kissed me. Biting my bottom lip, letting his tongue in to explore mine, We crashed on the bed, he landed on his back, I was straddling his hips keeping him in place.

"It's my turn to help you out." I whispered in his ear.

I took off his tank and threw it to the floor, his body showing every muscle, I traced my finger down his chest, his abs, and his v line. I kissed his lips, and every ab, licked his belly button for a touch of kink, and proceed to open his pants up. Revealing his erection, bigger than mine, just how I liked it. It was vainy but not too wide. I sucked him. moving my lips down and up, up and down, making his body quake. I swerved my tongue around his head every time I deep throated him. Moans were the air.

"Lu-Lu, I'm gonna." he said through muffled moans escaping his lips as he came in my mouth. I swallowed and came up near his face.

"1 out of 10" I said smiling.

"10" he said gasping for air.

"Mission accomplished." I said.

"What about you" Derek said.

"Oh I'll have my payback." I said leaving his room.

" Where are you going?" he said also leaving.

I left my shirt on the door of the bathroom. He saw it and called out.

"Mom I'm gonna take a shower!" he yelled.

"Okay! no one's here but me, take all the time you want." she said.

I heard him open the the door and I was bending over naked showing off my toned ass. My back dimples knowing it would make his jaw drop. I turned around, baring all of myself in his direction.

"Like whatcha see big boy? Well don't just stand there strip bitch" I winked.

He unzipped his pants and dropped his boxers down, both of us exposed to each others bodies. I turned on the hot water stepping into it. Derek coming in after, we were actually taking a shower together something I always dreamed of doing. and i'm doing it with my best friend. This is epic!

His wet jet black short hair made me want to pull it. So I grabbed it, and pulled his head down to the side. Sucking on it, making him moan with pleasure again. He kissed me deeply the water falling on our bodies in little beadlets, I made him go down on his knees, he began to stroke my dick, moving his big hands over my head up and down my shaft, getting me harder, and harder, muffled moans escaped my mouth, He pursed his lips, sliding down each side of my erection. "That's called a skin flute I see you've picked up a few tricks" I said as steam built in the bathroom fogging the morrors and windows.

"Turn around." I said.

"Be gentle, It is my first time." Derek said.

"Absolutely" I said nodding.

I put myself in Derek, load moans escaping his mouth as he bent over. I pulled back gently and went in with slow deep thrusts.

"Ugh, How can you handle this?" he said through moaning cries.

"You get used to it. just breathe and relax, it's like getting a tattoo, I promise next time you can pound me as hard as you want." I said sounding gentle.

"Oh i'm gonna pound ya alright. ugh fuck." he said moaning.

"Feeling better?" I said thrusting a little harder this time.

"Yeah, that relaxing thing is really helping, go a little harder this time." he said putting his hands on the walls.

"You're sure?" I said through a smile.

" Yeah." he said nodding.

I trusted hard and fast, oo's and ahh's escaping his mouth, he screamed out obscinities, I was coming closer and closer and finally.

"Ooooooh fuck! ugh. ugh." I moaned out.

" That was a 10." I said kissing him.

"Better be" he said gasping and laughing.

We both got out of the shower, we headed back to his room, he let me borrow some clothes.

"You won't be walking right for a week." I laughed.

"Shut up or I'll pound you" he said.

"Not till tomorrow, fucktard." I clicking my teeth pointing my finger guns at him.

He gave me a ride back to my house since I walked there. We held hands in comfortable silence. He kissed me goodbye and went into my house.

"Took another shower I see? Steamy?" She said winking.

I sank down into couch laughing. "Extremely"

"Luke you know I love you right?" Shelly said

"Of course mom!" I said giving her a confused look.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Sometimes people like Derek swith their minds abruptly, as if they're confused." she said frowning

"Derek loves me mom, and I trust him, you should to." I said running into my room and locking the door. I put in my ear phones and started listening to we came as romans on pandora. Blasting it in my ears. The only I ever listen to metal is when i'm angry about something. I went to bed thinking about how much I just wanted to let the world move on as I sat there letting go of everything.

I never really care what people said about me. But that was my mom she told me straight and I knew it was going to happen. The only person I feared and loved at the same time. I had to escape and I fell asleep thinking about just how much I loved Derek. He was my best friend and my boyfriend, and I trust him. That he would never hurt me. Ever.


A.N. Tell me what you think of the story so far special shoutout to Dany, and my friend John Newman thanks for reading. Tell me what you think of Luke? How do you feel about him? what do you love about him? Derek pov* next so watch out for that! thank you so much and keep commenting!! -Mike

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