Bicorn {17} (END)

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Derek's pov*

We sat there eating pizza, watching Buffy the vampire slayer, I thought about how much I loved Luke, I might want to actually marry him someday. he means so much and I'm sure he thinks the same way to. I want to hang on to him for as long as I can.

There's so many things to love about Luke one his smile. Every time I see it. There he goes again. I could just get lost into it. It hypnotizes me every time I see it. I just can't get over how white it is. And the body of a god is simply an added touch. But his personality is what really makes me happy to be with him. He's brave, kind, at times sassy, but mostly someone I could always trust. 

I know it's crazy to trust anyone in this day and age. Especially to someone as amazing as Luke. I'm sometimes afraid that I'll lose my luster and he'll leae me. The one fear will always be that there will always be a shinier, newer model of a boy and he'll jump on the first train there. But I know luke too well. He would never do that to me.

"Hey do you want to go the bedroom love?" I asked 

"Yeah, sure." He said with a smile. God everytime.

"Haha you're mesmerized by my smile again aren't you?" He said.

"Yes haha." I said.

I took him to the bed room as we both collapsed on the bed. he was on top of me our lips hovering over each other as they touched making slow pecks. I bit his bottom lip his tongue allowing me entry. We both started slow, passionately, making me feel just how much he loved me. I stopped and asked him something. 

"Babe will this be the end of our story?" I asked. 

"It won't end if you want it to." He assured me. 

"Good Because I really don't want it to. I mean being from where we were to where we are now. It just seems really fast ya know. I care about you so much and I don't want you to forget that." I said. 

"I know you do. and I don't think our story will never end. But maybe a new story will begin. Ours is just a murmur in time. But it will always be found as a magical just stay faithful of our love. as long as you remember that I love you nothing will change the way I feel about you. Times will get tough, and If it does crumble down, There will always be time to rebuild what was easily broken." He said.

I pressed my head against his and said "I love you" 

"I love you too" declaring his devotion to me.

I drifted off to sleep thinking about all the possible things that could be in store, but the only thing I could think about was how i'm going to keep our relationship boiling. It kind of went really fast but I suppose our won't be a hick-up in time at least I hope it isn't. we should be fine. I'm sure we would be. I might have an idea...


"Uuuugghh uuughhh, luuke lukkee ughhh ughh fuck!! these hand cuffs were good investment babe!!" I moaned. 

"I know right, It mixes things up a bit that's for sure." He said swallowing my load.

"It really is 50 shades of gay now huh?" We both started to laugh as we shared a kiss. 

"We need to get ready for Wes's party. Can't you believe he's 18 now, He's going to be the first senior to graduate at 19 at our school but stay with in 4 years."  I said matter of factly.  

"Wow that's interesting, So babe what should we wear. well it is Wes's party so maybe something..fabulous." as glee played in the background, We put together. something 

I had on a tank top that showed off my toned arms perfectly, with a pair of black jeans, and black chucks. As for Luke he had on a black bape hat showing off some of his sexy brown hair, black V neck, maroon colored dockers, with a black leather belt, and maroon colored chucks that were made out of backpacks. How's that for being fashionable and caring about the environment. We got in my car and made our way to Wes's house. We knocked on the door. 

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