Bicorn {15}

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The day went slowly since Luke just woke up. I'm really happy to hold him and kiss him again. he's body looks slightly a little different but he's still the same Luke and that's what counts. I'm just happy he's back. 

"hey Luke Do you think we can drive to my house, I want you to be there when I come out to my family.", I said a little scared. 

"Of couse babe I'm right here and I always will be." He said smiling at me. Boy I missed that.

"thanks I'm just not sure how they'd react, I hope they're okay with it." I said nervously, "they least I hope so."

We pulled into my houses long driveway. I took a deep breath before exiting the car. I opened my front door and said. "Can everyone come to the livingroom, I have something to tell all of you and it's pretty big for me." They all came in the living room and sat down on the couch waiting to hear what I have to say. 

"Mom, Dad, Jack, Stacey, I'm bisexual. and Luke's my boyfriend" I grabbed his hand to show that we were together.

"That's all?" My dad said surprised. "I was hoping you got super powers or something." 

"You're not grossed or anything or say that i'm a waste of a son?" I said surprised.

"Derek you're going to love you no matter what, Your my son. And I know it took you a lot to say that so thank you for telling us. We're your family, We have to love you remember." My mom said. They both hugged me. 

I was so happy that Luke was able to be here with me. We headed to my bedroom and just hung out in my bedroom. We were playing advanced warfare on ps3 and I was raping him in a 1v1 quickscope match. "dude you suck" I said. "quite well actually." He said laughiing. I pecked his lips, and was back on the game. I beat his ass 30-12. We shut off the game and just held each other in our arms tossing in our bed. 

Pleasantly getting sweet man kisses from my bae. "I love you with all my heart babers" I said. "And you'll always be in my heart Bi-corn" He said. "You haven't called me that in awhile." I said laughing. "I feel like it should be your code name. Your bicorn, I'm dolphin" He said. "Why dolphin?" I said curiously. He tossed me on my back, Whispering in my ear. "because dolphins are just gay sharks."

I started cracking up by the fact that he was kinnd of right. He always made me happy to be honest I in the mood to sing to him so I thought of the greatest song I could think of since I was little. "The sweetest sounds i'll ever hear are still inside my head. The kindest words I'll ever know, are waiting to be said. The most entancing side of all is yet for me to see, and the dearest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me, is waiting somewhere, somewhere for me." I sang to him. 

"I always loved that song when I was little. Rodger and hamerstein's Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston right?" He said on point. "yeah I'm surprised?" I said actually baffled by how he knew. "but I must say it's also....A lovely night, a lovely night, the finest night you'll know you'll never see." He started singing. "you meet the prince, a charming  prince." I sang. "as charming as a prince could ever be." "the stars in a hazy heaven tremble above you while he's whispering, Darling I love you. You say goodbye, away you fly, but on your lips he keeps a kiss, all your life you dream of this. lovely, lovely night." we harmonized until our lips crashed together. 

We parted away. "That was fucking awesome." I laughed with Luke as he said " agreed." we kissed again this time letting out tongues play a little. I missed kissing him, he was so damn good at it too. He could tie a knot with a cherry stem the ultimate test of a great kisser. He knew how to work his tongue and I knew how to work my bod. I grinded a little on his lower half and he let out a little moan. "easy big boy."  He took off his shirt and I did the same. Let the sextivities begin.

I kissed down his chest, Licking every ab and sucking his belly button I knew it was his fetish so that's I did it. It turned him on so much. I trailed my index fingers across luke's V-line making him shiver a little as I kissed down more and more taking his pants off. Revealing his member, I stroked it a little before taking it into my mouth, I sucked down and back up I would twirl my tongue around his head every time making him moan louder and louder. I stood up and unzipped my jeans letting my boxers drop down. "do me a favor and fuck me sweetheart." His jaw dropped and I hopped back on the bed. 

Our bodies tremble in our each others arms, the friction is unbearable, So I go on my knee's arching my back, Luke comes behind me and starts licking my ass. I was sure to prep so it wasn't gross, rule number 1 in any gay relationship. Be clean. I let out moan after man while Luke was eating me out. My face was in the pillow to muzzle my pleasurable sounds. "oh fuck babe, just pound my ass already." I said. 

"you asked for it." He said smiling he slid on one of my spare condoms I always have in my room. he lubed it up. He put it in me slow then quickened his speed. "hmm, hmmm,hmmm. Luke! Luke! Luke!" He was now pounding me so hard the headboard of my bed was clanging against my wall. It was fucking hot!! We switched positions as I got on my knee's and arched my back he put his thumps on my back dimples and started ramming hard but slowly He spanked my ass, But I felt the passion and the muffled breathes we shared. He held my body close still keeping my ass arched in his position.d

He put me on my back our bodies both glistening with sweat. He started to fuck me hard and fast reaching his peak. He bent over me, kissing me. "ohhhhh Derek, uggghh uggh."  "I love you."  he whispered as he fell to my side. I kissed him as he fell asleep in my arms. "I love you too dolphin." I kissed his forehead. then went to bed.

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