Bicorn {12}

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The next day I woke up with Wes, and Derek on my sides, I really hoped to this moment could freeze in time. We all took turns taking showers, We headed off to school and piled into my car we decided to get breakfast at the school. They only gave it out to the students that got there early. We all piled into my car blasting Adam Lambert out of the speakers. We made our way into the city, just barely dodging traffic, I parked in the parking lot and we made our way toward the lobby of the school.

We punched in our school ID's and headed toward the lunchroom as the three of us got looks from people sitting down. So we did what us gay boys did best. We struted in there with badass looks on our faces. We dared anyone to screw with us. 

"So, is it just me or is everyone staring at us?" Wes said.

"Everyone is staring at us." I said instantly.

"I'm hungry,I'm gonna go get some pancake sticks and syrup." Derek said.

"Well if it isn't Bi-boy and his gay ass pals!" Charlie said.

"I dare you to lay a hand on me." Derek said standing up to him.

"It's your funeral." He said with an evil grin laying a fat hand on my shoulder.

"Actually it's yours, Sweetheart." He grabbed his hand pulling back his wrist and adding pressure to his elbow."who's The victim now?" He let out a cry of pain. "you! you!" He let go, Charlie and Brian went running crying for their mothers.

I grabbed his arm pulling him with me out the enterence way. "OW! You're hurting me!" Derek yelled out.

"What the fuck was that back there you could of seriously hurt them." I said trying not to scream.

"He put his hand on me Lucas!" Derek yelled at me.

"Because you tempted him, You never use your training for that ever! You got me, I love you so much babe. But that was stupid. I think we should-- " I said now yelling at him I breathed a little furiously bringing down my heart rate. I grabbed my heart trying to gasp for breath. then everything went black. I heard muffled sirens and Derek saying my name like murmurs in a dream.


"Derek...." I said he looked up from my hospital bed nearly in tears.

"L-Luke h-how? Nurse! Nurse!!" He yelled out.

The nurse came in and checked my pulse.

"You're vital signs seem normal but we're going to have to keep you here one more night. It's best not to rush things being the current condition you're in." The doctor said and left.

"Derek how long was I out?" I said.

He just stared at ground with a blank expression. Deathly quiet.

"Derek, How long was I.." "Two months" he said cutting me off.

"I'm sorry what!" I said again in disbelief.

"The doctor said it was a heart murmur, then you went into a coma...I thought you died...But I never lost hope cause you're my true love. At least I hope you still are...after all the last words you said were I think we should...and then" he started to cry a bit more. I leaned into him cutting off any water works that might follow.

I kissed him as passionately as I could. Parting my lips to let his tongue in.

"I really missed you" I said smiling at him.

"I missed you too" He said as tears left his eyes smiling at me with that gorgeous smile.

"I would never leave you, you have so many traits I wish I had." I said

"Oh yeah like what?" He said raising an eyebrow sitting by my bed.

"Oh my god..." Shelly came in and burst into tears as soon as she seen me awake.

"Hi mom!" I said tearing up a little.

She came over and hugged me. "Ahhh. Careful mom I'm still hooked up ya know." I said still in minor pain. I touched my chest to feel a little lump.

"what? What is.." I said feeling the wealt.

"They had to put a pacemaker in you immediately. So in case this never happens again." Derek said giving me details on why I had my Tony Stark moment.

"Dang it and I hoped I could make a cybernetic suit and become a superhero." I said sarcastically. They both laughed.

"One thing I missed about you. You always could make me laugh." Derek said.

"Ya know if you can make a guy laugh you can make a guy do a lot of things

" Shelly said.

"Wanky!" Derek said in conclusion.

"Mother what did I say about the sex jokes...Please tell me you didn't turn him into a gleek" I said.

"No but I am brony...and a wholockian..." Derek said wanting to go on.

"Oh my fandoms, mother what have you done." I said laughing. "it's fine in fact I kind of am too." I said admitting it to myself.

I laid there talking to Derek and my mom, when it just occurred to me...

"Where's Wes?" I asked. Derek and my mom smiled at each other. "He didn't..."

A.N. new chapter my DUKE lovers. Be prepared for the next chapter it's gonna get steamy.

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