Bicorn {3}

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The next day I felt as if a blindfold was lifted over my eyes and thought of Luke. Actually I was thinking about Luke a lot lately. I'm not too sure how I became bisexual. But I guess everyone has a story and this is mine. I got out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Good morning." my dad said drinking his coffee.

"Morning" I said.

"Any plans today?" asked my mom.

"I was going to hangout with Luke today" I said drinking my coffee.

"Cool. before you do that. can you rake the leaves?" asked my mom.

"Ugh. yeah i can." I said with a sideways smile.

"You know I love ya! Jack and Stacy are going to help you. So you'll get the job done quicker if you do it together." My mom said

Jack and stacy were my twin brother and sister they were both a pain in my ass but I loved them secretly. If anyone hurt them I'd be the first to bash that screwballs head in with a rock. No one picks on my family accept for me. after Jack and Stacy woke up and we all had cereal we went outside and got some rakes and started to get to work.

"Jack, you get the top. Stacy you get the end. Put it in a huge pile. I got the front by myself. Divide and conquer guys." I said

"Derek, can you come here for a sec. I need to tell you something." he wanted to whisper something.

"I saw you kiss Luke in the mirror. But your secrets safe with me" he said to me with a smile.

I hugged him and mouthed him a thank you. He nodded and happy that my brother accepted me. We finished up with the leaves and told my parents they were done and I drove my way to Lujkes and knocked on his door. His mom invited me in.

"Hey Derek, Luke's in his room but before you go in can I talk to you for a second?" asked Shelly

"Of course!" I said

"Luke told me that you've been questioning yourself lately. I want you to make sure that you really do like my son. If so, please don't hurt him. He's been in a few relationships before and he gets really depresssed. I don't want see my son like that again. He may need you more than ever, especially since his dad left us. Can you handle that much responsibility?" she asked

"You can count on me Shelly, I'm falling for him, and finding it hard not to think about him. I think he could be someone I see myself having a real relationship with." I said.

"Don't fall too hard, too fast. Take it slow. The falling part may be the most fun, but getting back up from it is the hardest" she said.

"Thanks for the advice" I said hugging her.

"Uh why are you hugging my mom?" Luke said.

"Oh we we're just talking, ready to go see a movie. My treat?" I said.

He did that smile he usually does and I couldn't help but smile too. He held my hand and headed to my car. We broke our grip as we went in my car. We drove in comfortable scilence as we drove up to the movie theater. we got our tickets to see the amazing spider man 2. So glad he was a geek just like me. I laughed as we headed to get our snacks.

"What?!" Luke said with an intersted smile.

"This is our first date, like two complete nerds seeing a superhero movie." I said with a smile.

"Date? I never knew we were going out?" he said with a smile.

"Want to?" I got closer and smiled.

"Yes. but your gonna be trou-" he said cutting him off.

I crashed my lips into his realizing we were still in the lobby. but I did not give a single fuck. He was the only one I wanted feel this with. something forbbiden, but feels so good.

"Trouble. you're getting really good at that." he said laughing

"Well lets go tiger" I said with a wink.

I held his hand the whole time we watched the movie. We played a kissing game everytime the electrro beat dropped we shared a smooch. It was fun to do it in the dark. The lights dimmed back on and we headed to my car putting on the radio.

"Ya lipstick stains, smells like a cheap hotel,got diamond watchs and a gold chain,can't make my frown turn around. These boys always spending their money on love, the boys always spending their money on love. you wanna touch it, taste it, feel it, beat it, bone it, yeah yeah, you want them sweet pictures to make your money, yeah yeah." sung the radio as we both bobbed our heads to the music.

I drove Luke home and decided to sleep over there tonight. I called my house saying I was sleeping over Luke's house and my mom said it was okay. The whole night i kept Luke wrapped safely in my arms not wanting to let him go. we slept there comfortably. His breathing keeping me asleep we spooned a little before. Taking Shelly's advice and keeping it slow. I'm still getting used to these interactions, but gradually understanding what my main mission is. Keeping luke happy. I may not have a whole of money but I do have a lot of love. And I knew that I loved Luke with all I had.


A.N. Still one more chapter i'm going to write today and that should be up later tonight my fingers need a rest lol. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I wanted to make this chapter long because i left you with some pretty short ones last time hopefully this'll tide you ove for a while. how did you like the date? The relationship? Shelly? and Jack? Let me know in the comments. A special shout out to my friend john. thanks for reading bro.

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