Hanging out

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Martin and I, not only worked on the assignment but we ended up hanging out besides that. I found out he was completely different than the facade he put on in school. He was a lot nicer and kinder when he wasn't this angry ass.

My parents were concerned because they didn't want to see me hurt. I assured them it was fine. If Martin hurt me, I would cut off his nuts. Yeah, dad was happy about that.

The thing I noticed is we didn't just hang outside of school but inside as well. We talked, and people ended up talking about us. Ooh, the unassuming girl and the bad boy. Pft, they need a life.

People talk too much about things that aren't their business. I ignore them. I had other plans, which ended up surprising Martin.

"The military?" He looked at me a bit surprised as he sat on my couch next to me.

"Yes, the military. I want to do something good in life and not just claim I did. Plus, I plan on enlisting the fall after I graduate," I reasoned. He looked at me, confused.

"I want to spend time with my family," I lied. The truth was, I turn eighteen right before graduation. Afterward, I was having reassignment surgery. That would give me time to heal. Next year I was getting my breast implants, which I couldn't wait for to help complete my transition.

"If this is what you want to do, I support you," he shrugged.

That made me happy as I hugged him and, he hugged me back until I realized I was hugging Martin Hayes. I quickly pulled back from him. He looked at me, and I looked at him as I quickly got up from the couch.

"I think I'm going to go," he mentioned as he stood up.

"Yeah," I said as he walked to the door and I showed him out.

After Martin left, I couldn't help but wonder about that hug. Usually, I wouldn't let anyone touch me in fear about them finding out the truth, but I didn't even think about that when I hugged him. Maybe I'm overthinking things.


The minute Kelsey hugged me, something stirred inside of me. Not only did I miss the affection of someone, but there was something about that hug. Call it loneliness, but I enjoyed it.

Then I thought about when we finished the assignment. After it's over, there would be no reason for us to hang out. I didn't want that. I needed to find a reason to hang out with Kelsey.

Since we had been just hanging together, I got to know her. I found her funny, smart, kind, and too many other things to mention. We had similar tastes in things which were a plus.

The military decision surprises me a bit, but it didn't surprise me she would choose to go that route. Kelsey was the type of person who prefers to fight for what's right and not sit back to let things happen. I am guessing it had something to do with those assholes that gave her life.

I needed to show her I still wanted to be around her and not think I didn't. I had an idea, and I had a feeling it would show her in a way she didn't expect.


Our assignment was due in a few days, and I finished proofreading it to make sure there were no errors. We both deserved an A on this assignment.

I finished up and saved the paper, then turned off the computer and went to bed. I lied awake thinking about what this meant after we finish the assignment and what that hug means.

It wasn't just a hug, there seem to be more to it. The only people I even remotely let hug me was mom and dad, and only because they knew about me. So, why did I embrace Martin?

That was going to plague me until I asked him which I would do after our assignment was over. First things first, get an A on the homework then talk to Martin.

A couple days went by and today our assignment was due. We handed in the paper along with the other students. The teacher gave us a free period while he read through them and graded them.

"Do you think we will get an A?" Martin implored me.

"God, I hope so. We wouldn't want you not to be able to get into school," I teased him as he rolled his eyes at me.

"So, I was thinking," he started to say when the teacher called us up to his desk.

"Hold that thought," I suggested as we both got out of our seats and walked up to the front of the class.

We reached the teacher's desk, "yes, Mr. Havorth? I said to the teacher.

"I had a chance to read your paper," he started to say as we stood there in anticipation. We weren't sure if this was good or bad.

"I found it interesting how you included family dynamics into it and explained that family has a way of shaping how children grow up. Without the right guidance or influence, they can be adults who lack empathy and understanding. How were you able to come to that conclusion?" He questioned us.

Before I had a chance to answer, Martin did, "Because not everyone who is family has your best interest. Some can while others can't, especially when greed enters the picture. Caring more about material possessions over people tends to make you a selfish person. Society is so bent on proving self-worth by material items that one thing gets forgotten, human decency," he explained as I looked at him amazed.

"I couldn't agree more, that's why I decided to give you an A on your assignment. I like the way you both explained the concept and gave examples. It made for a fascinating read," he complimented us.

We were both thrilled by this. We went back to our seat and talked about it. I've never seen Martin so animated before, and he seemed genuinely happy.

At the end of class, the teacher dismissed us, and we walked out, of course, talking excitedly about the assignment.

"I can't believe it! We got an A!" I exclaimed as he smiled. "That was worth it," I said to him.

Before I had a chance to say anything else, Martin leaned in and kissed me, taking me absolutely by surprise. The kiss started sweet until he deepened it as I raised my hands and placed them on his back. Our lips moved in sync until I realized Martin Hayes was kissing me.

Once my brain realized this, I pulled away and turned around, walking away quickly. That was never supposed to happen. Now, what am I going to do?

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