Getting permission

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I decided to ask Baxter's permission to marry Kelsey. I knew how important it was for her that I do this, and I wanted to be the kind of man that honored his commitments. She deserved that.

Baxter and I sat down in the living room together while Kelsey and Rose were in the kitchen eavesdropping.

"Mr. Hayes, I wanted to ask your permission to marry Kelsey. Before you object, I know she still has to finish high school, have her surgery, and she will be enlisting in the army. I wanted to marry her before she enlists, so I will be able to be with her once she can be off base in military housing. Kelsey means the world to me, and I want to be the type of man she deserves, with your blessing, of course," I explained as he looked at me.

"How do you think it's going?" Kelsey whispered to Rose.

"Well, your father hasn't killed him yet, so that's a good sign," she whispered back.

Kelsey looked at her as Rose looked back and shrugged, then Kelsey rolled her eyes.

"Martin, you do understand if I give you my blessing, you will have to love her as I do," her dad says to me.

"I love her more than anything. She's an amazing person. I've never met anyone like her before. She is bubbly and laid back. She always has a positive attitude, and she's proud of who she is," I replied. Just thinking about Kelsey in that aspect, meant more to me than anything.

"You seem like you love my daughter a lot. Heaven knows my piece of shit brother and his equal piece of a shit wife couldn't. They had one job to do, and they managed to fuck it up," Baxter said with an angry tone.

"Yeah, she told me," I sighed. "We both got the short end of the deal when it came to parents. Mine died, while she's discarded her. Life isn't fair, is it?" I asked him.

"Life may not be fair, but it doesn't mean we don't deserve love for who we are. My wife and I took Kelsey in, not because we couldn't have children, but because we love her. She has always been special to us, and I want to make sure when I hand her over to the man in her life, he feels the same way. She deserves it," he told me.

"I promise to be that man, to love her unconditionally and be with her always. No matter what, I promise to take care of her. She's an amazing person to me," I told him, wistfully.

"Then you have my blessing," he said as we heard screams erupt from the kitchen. "And my wife's, too," he chuckled. I smiled as Rose and Kelsey came out of the kitchen. We stood up, and Kelsey ran over to me as she hugged me.

"Okay, Martin has my blessing, but you have to wait until you graduate, he will propose properly, and we will have a small wedding for the two of you. Agreed?" He asked her.

"Agreed," she said as she smiled.

I couldn't be happier than I already was. All I wanted to do was make Kelsey my wife and have a family with her. Rose started making phone calls while Baxter was giving me a man to man talking to about Kelsey. I expected that.


I can't believe my dad gave his blessing to Martin and me, but I was happy. I know a lot of people would say we're young, but it's not like we're getting married tomorrow. I still had a senior year to get through, plus I'm going through two different surgeries after I graduate.

Later on, Martin and I sat and talked about things.

"I can't believe you're willing to wait," I said to him as he looked at me.

"Why not? Kelsey, some people take forever to realize what they want. I know what I want. I want a family with you. I know it won't be in the traditional sense, but I don't care because our love isn't traditional," he says to me.

I smiled. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone, especially someone like Martin, but I do. When he found out about me, he didn't scream and yell at me but offered to talk to me. He listened when I explained things to him without judgment. He made love to me as Kelsey and not to someone the society thinks I should be.

I know people don't understand how it feels, but when you don't connect to biological gender, you can't stand to be in you're own skin. I didn't choose to be this way, but I was. My parents and Martin understood that. It helped a lot because support is critical.

"Oh, I didn't tell you, I found an apartment," he mentioned.

I looked at him as I furrowed my brows.

"It's a couple of blocks away so that you can come over and I can still come over to see you," he assured me.

"I like having you here," I told him.

"I know, but this was only temporary. Plus, your parents were kind enough to allow me to stay here for the time being. I can't take advantage of that," he reasoned.

"What about school?" I asked him.

"Well, I graduate in a month, and a local college accepted me that would help with financial aid. I can even take online courses when the time comes for us to leave," Martin said as I smiled. "Kelsey, I plan on doing web design, which will allow me to work from home and be able to go with you."

That made me happy to hear.

"How did I get so lucky to find someone like you?" I asked him.

"We got paired together on an assignment," he smirked as I shook my head and laughed.

Martin leaned in and kissed me on the lips as I kissed him back. I know people would say we're too young to think about marriage and our futures, but I don't think so. I think if you meet someone and they make you happy, accepting you for who you are, then you've found the right person for you.

I knew whatever happened now, it would be Martin and me against the world, and that was fine by me.

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