Roommates and then some

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I got ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. I looked to see Martin leaning against the doorframe.

"Are you all settled in?" I asked him as he stood up straight and walked into my room.

"Yeah," he answered as he took a seat on the side of my bed. I sat down next to him. "Sorry about our first date of getting ruined."

"I'm just glad it wasn't because of me," I grinned as he chuckled.

"Funny thing, you being transgender doesn't scare me. My family scares me," he sighed as I looked at him.

"I know. My biological parents aren't the best people in the world," I replied simply.

"I kind of got that when they showed up that one day."

"They think I'm wrong for feeling this way. That I should accept being a male and I'm an embarrassment to them. They would force me to dress like a boy, look like one, and even made my room to be a boy's room. I can't help how I feel. I just don't feel male and feel like I was born in the wrong body," I explained to him as I looked at him.

"They don't know what they're talking about and they don't know anything about making someone happy. If anyone is wrong being someone, it's the people being wrong as parents," he reasoned as I looked at him.

I placed my hand into Martin's as he held it. To others, he was someone that didn't like anyone, but to me, he was Martin who understood me. The bad boy who cares about the transgender. Irony at it's best.

"Kelsey looks at me," he said as I looked at him. "It's you and me against the world. No matter what, we're in this together."

I nodded as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hand on the side of his face as I kissed him back. Then we heard someone clear their throat, causing us to immediately stop kissing.

We looked to see dad standing there looking all dad-like.

"Hey, Dad," I greeted him as he gave me a look.

Martin stood up as he quickly made his way to the door, "I'm just going to go to my room and read," he mentioned to dad.

"Yeah, you do that," dad responded to him as Martin maneuvered around him, and I heard his footsteps until his door closed.

I looked at dad, "was that necessary?"

"Kelsey, when you're a parent one day, you will find having a teen is very necessary to keep them from doing things they shouldn't be doing," he told me.

"Well, it's not like I could get pregnant if something did happen," I replied with a smile as he rolled his eyes.

"Goodnight Kelsey," he told me as he walked away, leaving me to giggle.

My dad worries too much. Martin wouldn't ever do anything I wasn't ready for. He respected too much.


The next day I was getting things out of my locker when I overhear heard some girls talking, and they just happened to be talking about Martin.

"Oh my god, I can't believe he finally agreed to go out with you," one girl said to another.

"It was only a matter of time before Martin finally caved. You know how hot a bad boy is," she replied as I stood there, listening.

"I heard he was seeing someone," a third girl mentioned.

"Are you talking about that freak? Yeah, right. Who would want to date her when any guy could have this?" She asked as she motioned at herself.

"I don't know they seem pretty close," another girl commented.

"Fine, I will prove it," she told them as I stood there. Martin came walking down the hallway, and I watched as the girl made a beeline towards him and threw her arms around him, crushing her lips into his. I also watched as he didn't push her away.

I stood there speechless as I watched them lock lips. At that moment, I felt like everything Martin said to me was a lie, and the worst part was he knew my secret.

I closed my locker as I walked past the girls and towards him. They stopped kissing as I looked at him.

"Kelsey," he started to say.

I didn't say anything as I walked away. Now everyone would know my secret and have a good laugh at me because of Martin. On top of it, he was staying at my house.

I decided to keep my distance from him and avoid him at all costs. I'm a few months he would be moving out. Then I could carry on with what I had planned then move on with my life.

After school, I walked out of the school when I heard someone yell my name. I stopped to see Martin running towards me. I shook my head and turned around as I started walking.

"Kelsey waits," he yelled as he caught up with me.

"What?" I snapped at him. He looked at me with furrowed brows. "Have fun on your date with Bryn."

"I swear to god, I don't know why she kissed me or even thinks we're going out," he told me.

"It doesn't matter. Who would want to be with a freak with me? Please don't tell anyone about me," I begged him as I walked away, leaving him standing there. I didn't know whether to believe Martin considering how he treated me in the beginning.

At this moment, I wouldn't put it past him to treat this whole situation as a joke while faking his entire life just to earn my sympathy. The worst part was I was starting to fall for him. I felt like a fool.

It seems Kelsey and Martin have hit a rough patch but don't worry, things will turn around for them, especially when Martin does something Kelsey doesn't expect.

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