A new body, the same person

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I spent the next eight weeks healing from the surgery. I made sure the area was cleaned and bandaged properly. Mom helped me. Dad might like Martin, but he wouldn't approve of him helping me.

While I recuperated, Mom was busy with wedding preparations. Martin helped her as they got ahold of a minister and booked a place. My parents invited some family and friends. Jeremy and his wife weren't invited or welcomed to my wedding. I didn't care because my parents were going to be there.

The only problem is, Jeremy and his wife found out about the wedding and showed up at home one day. I was still recovering when there was a knock at the front door. Martin answered it as those people stood there.

"Can I help you?" Martin asked as Jeremy barged in and saw me sitting on the couch. He walked over to me.

"Is there a reason you're here?" I asked Jeremy as both he and the witch stood in front of me.

"We want to know why you didn't invite us to your wedding," he said as I looked at him incredulously.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"I'm still your father," he proclaimed as I got up, slowly.

"You are not my father. You lost that right when you kicked me out," I told Jeremy. He frowned at me.

"Don't speak to your father like that," the wicked witch of the north ordered me.

"Oh, he's not my father, and you're not my mother, you stupid witch," I informed them.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" The witch huffed.

"I can speak to you however I want. I'm eighteen and getting married. You threw away any right to respect when you kicked me out," I yelled at the wicked witch as she stepped back, stunned. Jeremy glared at me. "You can glare at me all you want, but you're an asshole," I barked as he looked at me shocked. I stood my ground.

Martin walked over to both. "You can leave now," Martin told them both.

Both turned around and stormed out of the house. I wasn't that kid they tossed out anymore. I was an adult, and I was sick of both of them. Martin closed the door as he walked back over to me, then we heard yelling. Dad's home. I strolled over to the door as I opened to see Dad and Jeremy, arguing.

Martin stood next to me.

"It's all your fault, he turned out this way," Jeremy accused Dad.

"Kelsey didn't make me this way. You're an asshole. I can't believe you showed up here to start shit. Get it through your thick head that your scare tactics don't work anymore. Now get off my lawn!" Dad yelled as Martin, and I laughed.

I'm sorry, but Dad sounded like an old guy yelling at kids for being on his lawn. Dad walked into the house as Jeremy, and the wicked witch left.

"I swear, I don't know how he is the favorite of the family when he's an asshole," Dad grumbled.

"That doesn't account for taste," I mentioned as Dad agreed with me and Martin chuckled.

Later on, I stood in front of the mirror after my shower and looked at myself naked. I hid things for so long that I noticed I didn't have to protect myself anymore. I looked at my body and admired the new collection, but was still the same person.

For eighteen years, I had to live in a body I hated. Now, I can live freely in a body I love. People don't understand what it's like to hate the body you're born with when you don't identify with it. I didn't enjoy being a male. It was an issue I fought within myself for years. As much as people disapprove, it doesn't compare to how you feel about yourself.

I dressed, and when I finished, I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said as the door opened and Martin walked into the room.

"I don't need your dad to hurt me before the wedding," Martin mentioned as I giggled. He chuckled. "So? How was it?" He asked, referring to me seeing my new body for the actual first time without having to change my dressing.

"It's nice. I feel normal," I said as I smiled.

"Normal is a dryer setting," he reminded me.

"I know, but this feels right to me. I don't have to hide who I am anymore," I explained as Martin smiled.

Marin wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You never had to hide from me. I love you, no matter what. Kelsey, you offered me love and kindness. That proves the character you have and one day when we have children; I want to show them the same," Martin said.

"You want kids?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, even if we have to adopt them. Your parents proved biology doesn't make a parent; love and understand does. Plus, I want a family with you," Martin told me as I smiled.

"Good, because I want a family with you and I can't wait to be a mom." I smiled as he kissed me.

I really couldn't wait to be a mom. When I played with my dolls, I used to pretend to care for them as if they were real. I wanted to have a little girl I could do their hair or a little boy that I could chase. I wanted to celebrate the holidays together.

Martin and I decided that when we did have kids, and I was in the military, we would figure it out. We wanted a family no matter what. I had a feeling we would get our family one way or another, and when we did, we would support our child with whatever decision they made.

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