Thirty - Seven

901 19 2

Sabina's POV- December 2018

I was almost done putting away my clean laundry when I heard the doorbell ring. Salem hopped over Adrian's sleeping figure and went to investigate. Setting the blouse I had in my hand down on the bed, I made my way out of my room and down the set of stairs. Once I was downstairs, I propped the front door open and made my way down to open the 'main' front door. Salem decided to join me, so I had to pick him up before I unlocked the door. Holding him with one arm, I pulled the door open and smiled as I made eye contact with Sonia and her sisters.

"Hey! Come on in" I told them.

I stepped back, so they could walk inside. Once they were all inside, I closed/locked the door and set Salem down.

"It's a little tight down here, so let's go upstairs and we can do introductions there" I suggested.

"Yeah, lead the way"

"Let me help you with the bag," I said.

Sonia handed me a bag that contained our dinner.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"It's okay"

I frowned a bit but decided not to push it. We all walked upstairs (Salem included), and I placed the bag of food on the kitchen counter.

"Sabina, meet my sisters, Kenia and Barbara"

I nodded and shook her twin sister's hand.

"So who's older?" I wondered.

"She is"

Okay, so Sonia was the oldest.

"You can call me Bobbi"

"It's nice to meet you, Bobbi," I told her.

She smiled as I shook her hand. 

"Thanks for having us"

"Of course, do you ladies want anything to drink?" I asked.

"Water is fine"

"Are you sure? I've got a variety of drinks in the fridge" I said.

I gestured for them to go look.

"And while you guys do that, I'm going to go wake Adrian" I informed them.

"What's your cat's name?"

"Salem" I replied.

Bobbi smiled.

"Is he friendly?"

Salem answered her question by against her leg and nudging her hand.

"I'll be right back," I told them.

As I walked into the room, I noticed that Adrian was awake. The squint showed that he had literally just woke up.

"The foods here" I informed him.

He hummed and watched as I put away the remainder of clean laundry.

"Come on, get up and put on a shirt" I stated.

I nailed him right in the face with the shirt I had tossed at him. 

"If I wasn't awake before, I am now"

I laughed and made my way over to him as he sat up. Once he was up, he slipped on his shirt.

"So who's here?"

"Sonia and her sisters" I replied.

He nodded.

"If it gets awkward I can bounce, right?"

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