chapter 7

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i was glancing over at him a few times trying to see what he was doing but not looking obvious when he looked over at me, staring me out, waiting for me to do something.

he was wearing a grey shirt, black jeans with rips in them showing his tattoos. god casual suits him. everything suits him. he just looks hot all the time.

he walked over to me leaving the girl while she was still talking to him

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he walked over to me leaving the girl while she was still talking to him. "what are you doing here?" he asked me i couldn't sense what he was feeling.

"oh so your talking to me now?" i asked with a sarcastic tone. "that dress is a bit revealing don't you think?" he said with a smirk on his face "why do you care?" i asked getting annoyed. " because i don't want men looking at whats mine, i am your boyfriend after all " he said innocently, i had the urge to punch him in the face. "you didn't seem to care when you were ignoring me for not having sex in your office! or when you were talking to that blonde slut!" i shouted at him he started to smile. oh i would love to slap that grin off his face.

"baby im sorry for acting like that, i was pissed off, i always get my way and when you said no i was annoyed. i shouldn't have acted that way. and i don't care about that bitch she came up to me and started flirting with me and i was bored. all i was thinking about was you! i wanted to apologise all week but im really stubborn sometimes, but i will try change, for you. please give me another chance?" he asked with pleading eyes.

"why me? you could have any women you wanted, do you just want me for sex?" i asked him

"i dont want any of them, when i was with girls before, after i was done with sex i got rid of them and never thought of them again, or flirting with anyone else i never thought of them again, but your so much different from them. can you please give me a chance?"

i let out a sigh "fine, but dont make me regret it" i warned him. he immediately smiled "i promise baby girl i wont" he came closer to me and hugged me. "would you like a drink" he asked me "sure" i replied.

after a while we were still at the club, i was talking to Jake having a good time.

"hey baby, i wondered where you went to" the blonde slut from earlier said. "fuck off" jake replied. always so blunt. i didn't like her but he didnt need to be so rude to her.

"seriously? your choosing that over me?!" she yelled pointing at me. ouch that hurt. "shes ugly, im so much more prettier and your type, and that dress, i dont even know where to start on it, where did you get it? the trash?" she said laughing at me, i wanted to cry. i dont know why her opinion affected me. i looked over at Jake who was fuming with anger.

"at least she doesnt look like a hooker! shes so much more gorgeous than you'll ever be!" jake shouted he pushed her against the wall. "dont you ever disrespect my girl! ever! the next time i will kill you!" he shouted and the girl started to cry and when Jake released her arm she ran off crying. i felt a tear come down my face because of what the girl said, it reminds me off my mother and when she would tell me nasty things like i was ugly and no body would love me. i ran away 3 years ago and she died 1 year ago due to drug over dose, my dad passed when i was 5, i don't really remember him. when she died last year i didn't really care, more relieved. it sounds awful but i was. ever since my dad died she always hated me and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. she would always tell me i was worthless and i would never be loved. i used to cry myself to sleep because of her because of her. i only left when i was 18 when i had saved enough money from when i was 15. then worked another year nonstop to gather enough to go to college, i barely had enough and i still have loans to pay.

Jake turned around and noticed i was crying and came over to me immediately. "no baby girl, please dont cry, i hate it when you cry." he said sitting down and pulling me into his lap. "dont listen to that whore, shes wrong and just jealous, you are so fucking beautiful." i instantly stopped crying, he makes me feel so much better, i cant describe it.

we shortly left the club after i told chloe making sure it was okay, which it was. she was too busy with her boyfriend. Jake and i got into his drivers car and sat in silence for a few minutes, when he finally broke the silence.

"your staying with me tonight" he said casually "what if i don't want to?" i asked because i didn't want to, i knew he wanted sex which i felt bad about but i don't want to rush it. "well i wasn't asking baby" he said so arrogantly, i knew there wasn't any point arguing with him so i didn't say anything .

"want to play 20 questions" he asked breaking the silence. "um sure" i said replying

"if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?" he asked. i haven't been anywhere other than Philadelphia where i grew up and new york where i moved too.

"ive always wanted to go to greece, my turn, how old are you?" i asked

"im 25. you?" he asked "im 21" we kept asking each other simple questions when we finally arrived at his house or should i say mansion. it was the most beautiful house i've ever seen in m life. it looked bigger than my old high school building.

"this if your house?" i asked shocked. "one of them" he replied arrogantly. we went inside and it was just as gorgeous as the outside. we went upstairs to his bedroom and it was bigger than the apartment i grew up in. i was amazed. he opened a door in the room which led to a walk in closet which was just as big as the bed room. he handed me a shirt and boxer and told me to get dressed and pointed to the bathroom on-suite.

when i got dresses i walked out of the bathroom and there he was, standing there in only his boxers, showing off his tattoos, muscles and 6 pack. he has such a gorgeous body.

"like what you see baby?" she asked arrogantly and my cheeks started to burn up. "you look so cute when i make you blush baby girl, come on, get into bed. the bed was huge. i lay down on one side of bed then Jake did the same on his. after a few seconds i felt his arms snake around my waist turning me around to him and i was on his chest, half of me was lying on him. he started to rub my back which made me relax.

"what are you doing to me baby?" was all i heard before i drifted into sleep.

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