chapter 13

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alex pov

i woke up feeling really comfortable, i opened my eyes to see i was lying on jakes chest. He was looking at me with a weird grin on his face.

"oh, my god i'm sorry you must have been uncomfortable with me sleeping this way." i went to move over to the other side of the bed when his arm wrapped around my waist.

"no, it was really nice, i haven't slept that good in, well, ever really." he said kissing me.

After a few minutes of making out we got up to get dressed for work, i realised it was finally friday. i convinced jake too keep our relationship abit instead of flaunting it. After i got showered and dressed i went downstairs to get breakfast, one of his chefs had made us. yes 1, he has 2 of them in total, then he has 2 gardeners, 4 maids, a pool cleaner and a bartender. Why the fuck does he have a bar tender?! hes barely ever at his house and when he's at his house is it really that hard to pour himself a whiskey? He says its for when people come over, but when do people ever come to his house, like once a month.

Jake has basically been forcing me to stay at his house and would stop by my place to get clothes every day, i dont mind staying with him, i actually like it but i just dont want him to get sick of me, like ive felt for years, i try to keep my distance from most people so they dont get annoyed or tired of seeing me.

Jake has basically been forcing me to stay at his house and would stop by my place to get clothes every day, i dont mind staying with him, i actually like it but i just dont want him to get sick of me, like ive felt for years, i try to keep my dis...

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Alexis work outfit

When i got downstairs, Jake was already there waiting for me at the table reading something from his ipad. he looked up at me and went to look away but quickly looked back.

"no way in hell! go change! NOW!" he growled. who does he think he is?

"no, i like this outfit and i don't have any other clothes any way" i sat down as a plate with crepes and nutella was put in front of me by one of jakes maids. "oh thank you" i said to her.

"you dont need to say thank you, its their job" jake says not looking up from his iPad. um what the actual fuck.

"its called having manors, not that you would understand" i snapped back at him. He glanced up at me, giving me a grin.

"The fact i haven't bent you over this table already because of that outfit shows how i do have manors, il mio gattino sexy" he told me looking back at his ipad. i could feel my cheeks burning up. I've been thinking, and i want to have sex with Jake so badly, i also feel bad because i know his reputation and that he has needs. So i've decided it will be tonight and it will be special.

"so, tonight i was wondering if i could make dinner for you?" i asked him smiling.

"if you want to, i would love that, but you really don't have to, i pay people for it" he says chuckling will i roll my eyes at him.

"yeah, i know but i want to do it" i looked at my watch "we should get going you have a meeting in a just over a hour"

"its good i have you to remind me, isnt it" he laughed.

we got to his building i went in then he came in 15 minutes later like we've done all week. i went to my desk then when jake would come in he would wink at me before going into his office, my cheeks would start to burn up at it.

i looked at the clock to see it was finally 5, i knocked on jake's door and he said to come in.

"uh i'm going now, do you need anything else?" i asked and he looked up smiling. "no baby, thank you, can you go to my place and wait for me i shouldn't be long, my driver will take you there, okay?"

"yeah okay" i went over, gave him a kiss. "ill see you soon, i might have a surprise" i winked before leaving him office.

when i left the office i went to my place first to get some clothes and something special for tonight, then went to the store to get food to cook for dinner. i got back to jakes place, I told all his staff they could have the night off except for his men that I assume work for his not so legal business. Out the back of jakes house is another building for his gang membership work . Most live their but some have families and live in their own houses, I haven't met any of them yet because when I first got here they were away doing their business, now they are back and all around the house scaring the shit out of me.

i decided i was going to make jakes favourite, steak and fries for dinner and chocolate brownies for dessert with ice cream. after a hour of cooking everything was basically done so i texted jake and he said he'd be home in half a hour. so i went and got dressed into the clothes a brought from my place, first i put on my black underwear i got from Victoria secret, then a burgundy dress. i was so nervous for tonight. i really hope jake is happy that's the main thing, what if he doesn't like it?

 i really hope jake is happy that's the main thing, what if he doesn't like it?

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Alex dress

i went downstairs to the kitchen and opened a bottle of my favourite rose wine and waited for jake to come home which should be anytime soon.

i heard the door behind me open and i knew it wasn't jake because he uses the front door.

before i turned around i heard "damn, whos this sexy chick?" "shut your big ass mouth ethan! thats boss' girl and he'll kill you if he hears you just said that!" the other guy says "sorry im not a fucking mind reader, dylan!"the guy i assumed ethan said.

i turned around to see 2 men standing at the door in the kitchen. "im sorry, please dont tell boss, im too hot to die! i havnt even finished tvd yet! I need to see elena come back!" ethan pleads and i burst out laughing.

"that was the sadest thing ive ever seen in my life, ethan" someone says behind dylan and ethan, i look to see its jake.

"yeah same, katherine are much more better than elena" i laugh.and ethan gasps "how dare you! katherines a bitch!"

"anyway boss im sorry i called her sexy but i didn't know who she was!" ethan pleads again.

jake clenches his fist "its fine but if it happens again ill kill you, but just to show im not going soft" jakes fist then connects with ethans jaw.

"Jake what the hell!" i shout.

"i cant have people knowing he hit on my girl and i did nothing about it, can i"

"well he kinda deserved it for calling the queen a bitch" i shrugged.

jake smiled and pulled me into him. "so you said you may have a little suprise for me?" he purred in my ear and started to kiss my neck.

ethan and dylan then left the kitchen so jake and i ate the dinner i made him, he said he really enjoyed it.

After we went into the living room and i sat on his lap straddling him and kissed his neck.

"baby if you dont stop now, i wont be able to control myself" he purred in my ear.

"but i want you to loose control"

"are you sure, babygirl?" i nodded "yes, jake im sure"

I then lifted me up and carried me to his room...

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