Chapter 17

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"I've missed this" he said.

"Why are you acting like we've been apart for months, it was only at least 24 hours" I said giggling

"That's 24 too many" he said into my neck. "I hate being away from you, how about you move in with me?


What?!" I asked in shock widening my eyes.

"Move... in... with... me" he said in between kisses

"What if we break up" I asked

"We won't, I'm not letting you go" he said

"I'm not sure..."

"Stop overthinking it" he whines and I roll my eyes.

"It could happen though, I don't want to rush into it" I told him.

"But I don't like being away from you" he said softly.

"We will see each other at work every day and we can be together at night, I can go to your place" I negotiated.

"Fine" he groaned. "But we will soon, I hate you living in this neighbourhood" he said getting up.

"Why? It's a nice neighbourhood" I told him.

"Yeah for addicts" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop with your shit attitude " I said rolling my eyes at his comment.

"You love it babe" he said kissing me again.

We got up and dressed and went for breakfast together at a small cafe near.

"So what do you-" jake was cut off my his phone.

"Sorry I have too take this real quick" he stood up and walked outside to take the phone.

After a few minutes he came back in.

"I'm sorry Alex but I have a emergency I need to go to" he said.

"That's fine" I said smiling.

"Come on I'll leave you home" he told me.

"Uh no thanks I have a few stores I need to go first so I'll get a cab back later" I smiled.

"Okay if your sure, I'll call you later" he said giving me a kiss and leaving.

It's been a few hours and I finally got home from shopping, it's been so long since I went and actually got stuff I needed like this.

I went to my room and put on my pyjamas then went downstairs to watch gossip girl, chuck and Blair are the hottest.

I went to my room and put on my pyjamas then went downstairs to watch gossip girl, chuck and Blair are the hottest

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Her pjs^

I open my eyes hearing the noise of my alarm on my phone for work I lift my phone. I was about to get ready for work when my phone beeped telling me I had a message, I looked at it to see a email from jakes company telling me im not needed to go to work until I was told otherwise. It was incredibly strange, why wasn't I able to go to work?

I called Jake twice but there was no Answer so I assume he's busy, I guess I have time for myself for a while.

2 weeks later

Its been 2 weeks since I worked and since I last spoke to him i tried calling his phone after a few days of waiting and nothing. I also have heard anything about my job except for the email they sent I've still been getting paid but for what? To sit at home all day watching gossip girl eating ice cream? Why don't I just go to the pet store and get a few cats to make the whole situation sadder.

A few days later
I still haven't heard anything from him, before I was just sad and missing him and my job but now I'm just pissed off with this. I've been sitting with my laptop infront of me for the last hour trying to send my letter of resignation but something is holding me back from it.

Doubt fills my mind about all the things that may have happened. Has he found someone else? Has he got bored of me? Did he just use me?

I got pissed off and just sent the email and called chloe, tonight we are going to get drunk so I can forget about that asshole.

"Chloe! We need to go out tonight" I asked her getting excited about it, I really needed this.

"So you've stopped wallowing in self pity? I'm glad we need to get you a new man! Get dressed I'll pick you up in a hour!"

"So you've stopped wallowing in self pity? I'm glad we need to get you a new man! Get dressed I'll pick you up in a hour!"

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^^ her outfit

Chloe picked me up and we headed to a club she loved going to, I've never been a clubbing sort of girl but I needed this tonight.

We arrived there and went in and got drinks, we were also meeting up with her boyfriend and his friend.

I looked across the place a saw a certain pair of eyes staring at me, the ones I've been missing for almost 3 weeks.

He came towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped at me like I had done something wrong.

"Just having fun with a friend, why have you been ignoring me?" I asked him.

"Your not my damn wife! I don't need to tell you everything and talk to you every minute!" He snapped and he had a cold look in his eyes.

Who was this?

"So I mean nothing to you?" I asked mom scared of his answer.

"We had fun, I just don't want to be tied down" and with that he walked away And I felt tears coming down my face.

But he still didn't answer my question.

I made my way to the roof to get some air, I stood there crying for a few moments.

"What's a stunning women like you up here crying for?" I heard I unfamiliar deep voice asked.

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