Chapter 2- Flight

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AN: I forgot to mention last chapter, that this story will have longer chapters than its predecessor. I have not decided yet if the story itself will be longer due to just playing this story mostly by ear, but the chapters definitely will be almost doubled!


Monday, July 3rd, 2006 07:24am JFK International Airport- New York, NY; United States

'United Airlines 1144 for San Diego California, now boarding at gate 7 for First Class passengers. I repeat; United Airlines 1144 for San Diego California, now boarding at Gate 7 for First Class passengers.'

Draco looked up from his book and glanced at the gate he and Hermione were supposed to be at.

"Was that us?" he asked Hermione, who was enthralled in her own book.

"Yeah, I just...want to finish...this chapter...aaaand...done." She replied, closing her book.

She held out her hand to take Draco's book from him, and placed it in her carry-on bag that was spelled with an undetectable extension charm. Standing up, Draco took the bag from her and reached for her hand. The couple then walked to Gate 7 and waited in the short line.

"Are you nervous?" she asked looking up at him.

"No...What makes you say that?" he asked taking a slight gulp.

"Because you look nervous and you're sweating a little. Plus, you told me yourself that you have never been on a muggle plane before."

"I'm not nervous. It's just hot in here."

"It's okay to be nervous, Draco; a lot of people are afraid of flying."

Draco turned his head and looked at his wife with a dead set expression.

"Hermione...I was the Slytherin Seeker for four years, remember? I am also the owner of the fastest broom in the world right now; it hasn't even been released to the public yet. I promise you, I am not afraid of flying."

"Yes, but flying on a broom that you can control, is a lot different than flying in a metal tin can made by muggles; a machine you have no control over, in a country where our magic is limited."

"I didn't think about it that way; but calling it a metal tin can, is not going to help me feel better about this decision...If I was nervous, which I'm not."

"I'm not judging you, you know? I am okay with flying but I'm still afraid to get on a broom." she smiled.

"Unless it's to save me?" he raised a brow.

"Yes-wait, what?"

"Potter told me all about it last year when you were in the hospital. You practically bragged about showing off in front of me."

"No I didn't." she removed her hand from him.

"Not what I heard." He joked "I heard that once you figured out you were in love with me you went back and thought about everything I ever said or did. About how I lied to help you out at the Manor, when I threw Potter my wand so he could, how did he say it, oh yeah, defeat evil; he also shook his fist in the air like he was triumphant or something...And his personal favorite story just so happened to be saving me in the Room of Requirement, giving you the chance to ride a broom in front of the Slytherin Seeker!" he shook a fist in the air. "His words, not mine." He finished as he lowered his hand.

Hermione's face went white as a ghost as she looked at her husband in embarrassment.

"He...he told you all of that?"

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