Chapter 4- Secrets

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AN: Sorry for the delay everyone! My computer went berserk and I had to spend a few days trying to fix it. I do apologize also that this chapter is a little shorter than the rest but I promise next chapter will be a little longer. I can't say for certain when Chapter 5 will be posted, but I do hope to finish it sooner than I did this Chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And don't forget to comment and like!

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 01:42pm

As Draco sat on the bright colored pillow, he rested his arms on his bent knees and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. He had no idea what he was supposed to do and he had little time to decide.

"You are torn. The news is bad." Regina commented, interrupting the fight going on in his head.

Looking up at the ceiling he let out a breath before lowering his eyes to the raven haired seer.

"Did you have a vision or something?" he stated rather harshly.

"No. Your face and body language tells it all."

"Figures." He let out a deep sigh. "What am I supposed to do? If I tell her, then the Potters will be angry with me and it will cut this honeymoon short with the possibility of Hermione being mad at Potter for ruining this for her and saying anything before we get back. It will also put her in danger...but if I don't tell her..." he let his sentence trail off as he looked back at the letter.

"If you don't tell her, then there is the possibility of her hating you?" Regina finished for him.

"And Potter as well for telling me to hold the information back. Also, it would put her in danger."

"What does your heart say?"

Draco looked up at the seer as he slumped his shoulders.

"To not be so selfish and just tell her."

"Then tell her." Regina backed off the shelf and took a seat on a pillow in front of him.

"But I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because, if I tell her, then a whole wind of problems will develop. Ginny is pregnant again and the added stress could cause difficulties in her pregnancy. She is already dealing with a lot and if she loses the baby because I gave in and told Hermione...." He let off another deep sigh "Potter and Ginny would never forgive me for telling her on her honeymoon, when they specifically asked me not to say anything. They are the only friends I have right now. But I am her husband; I should be the one to tell her everything. I mean who knows. Maybe if I tell her then she won't react the way we all expect her to..." Draco looked at the letter again before crumpling it up and throwing it across the room. "Who the hell am I kidding? Of course she will react the way we all think!"

"You seem very torn about this. Why not give yourself a few days to make a choice? I mean, is having your wife hate you more important that losing your friends?" Regina asked in a calm mother-like tone.

"I would rather her hate me than hate her friends."

"But it was her friends that put this burden on you."

"You don't know how deep their friendship goes. I can't be the one to ruin that for her. Either way, she is going to hate someone. I would rather her not hate Potter. If I have to then I will tell her that it was my decision to not say anything. Potter thinks it's best that she not know right now...then I will have to respect that. He knows her better than I do, unfortunately."

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