Chapter 3- News

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Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 12:05pm

"How did we get here Hermione?" Draco asked with a fallen face "I can't do this anymore, I'm done. I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore."

Hermione let out a laugh as she hunched over holding her stomach.

"You just have to toss the ring on the bottle, Draco; it's not that hard. Little kids are able to do it!" she exclaimed through her laughter.

"This game is utter bullocks! People are staring and it is making me uncomfortable. Why can't I just buy you the giant bear?"

"Because, it is more fun to play the game and earn the prize. You can't just buy everything in life." she stated touching his shoulder gently.

"Sure I can; watch...Excuse me." He called out the man attending the game. "I will give you $20.00 for that large stuffed bear up there in the corner."

"Draco!" Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him away before looking back to the man. "I'm sorry, he was just kidding."

"No worries." The man replied with a smile "Besides, that bear cost about $50.00 anyway. Most people spend that, and more, just trying to win one of the small prizes."

"I'll give you a $100." Draco cut in as he released his arm from Hermione's grasp.


"Done." The man claimed with a large grin before reaching up to grab the bear that was half the size of Hermione.

Draco pulled out a crisp one hundred dollar bill and handed it to the man as he took the bear from him. Handing it to Hermione, he smiled brightly as he took her hand and began walking down the busy boardwalk.

"You didn't have to do that, you know?" she claimed hugging the bear close to her chest. "You over paid for it and it was not necessary."

"I know...But I wanted to. You are my wife after all, and my wife deserves everything she wants."

"You don't have to buy everything for me, Draco. I don't want you to think you have to buy my love."

Draco stopped walking instantly and turned to her.

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" he asked as people pushed passed him. "You think I am buying you things because it will make you love me more? Hermione, that is not why I am doing it."

"Then why are you? I get it; you are filthy rich and can buy an island if you really wanted to. You don't have to flaunt your money at me. I am not a materialistic woman."

"It's our money first of all," He began letting out a sigh "second, I know you're not, and third, I am doing it because I love you and I want to give you the world. I am not doing to flaunt our money or because I think it will make you never leave me. I have the money so why not spend it on you? It's not like I am really doing anything else with it besides funding SPEW. My company is back on track after last year, and we have more money than I know what to do with. Let me just spoil you, okay? It makes me happy."

"You had to throw that in didn't you?" she questioned, releasing his hand and holding on to the bear with both arms.

"Throw what in?" he asked placing his hands in his pockets and let out another sigh.

"That it makes you happy?"

"Because it does; do you want me to lie to you and say it doesn't?"

"No...I just...I want you to be happy, but I am not for just throwing money around like it's nothing."

Nature's Cruelty: Sequel to Earth ShatteringWhere stories live. Discover now