Chapter 11- Cruelty

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Song- Ashes by Celine Dion (Deadpool 2 soundtrack)

Chapter 11- Cruelty

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006 05:06pm

Draco stood still in utter disbelief as Hermione hugged the Lion in front of him, without a care for not only her own safety, but the safety of their unborn child as well. It was one thing to watch her stand so close to the animal, it was a whole other story to see her embrace it; especially while covered in blood. He understood pregnancy brain, but he knew damn well that it never would cause a person to clasp their arms around one of the most dangerous carnivorous creature known to muggles.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was witnessing it with his very own eyes, he would never believe it was actually happening. So many questions and concerns raced through his mind as he watched in horror. Why was she covered in blood? Where was Jason? Did he go to get help? Did he abandon her? Why the hell was she hugging a full grown male Lion?...Was the baby okay?

"Hermione?" his voice shook as he attempted once more to gain her attention.

He was standing only a few yards away from her now, scared to go any closer in fear the Lion would attack one or both of them. He tried to be as calm as he could, but his nerves took over his whole body.

Hermione released her grip on the King and turned her head. Her face lit up in bubbling joy when her eyes landed on him and never in his life did he feel more elated; now if he could just carefully get her away from the man eating beast, he would feel incredibly better.

"Hermione," he continued with his wand stretched out before him "get away from it." he raised his other hand and waved for her to come to him, but she didn't move. "Come on Love...Please." He begged.

Hermione turned her head back to the Lion and left a long gentle kiss upon its muzzle before standing up and watching it walk away from her. She then picked up her wand lying on the ground less than three feet away before she turned to face him, and with a large ear to ear grin, ran at full speed into his arms.

Draco entwined his hands around her body and hosted her into the air. After a few seconds he set her down gently, entangled his fingers in her hair, and held her close to his chest, refusing to let go. He knew he missed her, but it didn't register just how much, until he held her in his grasp again.

He pulled back and held her head in his hands as he began to kiss all over her blood covered face. He couldn't get enough of her and even though she was just as grimy as him, she still smelled as sweet as the day he first met her at Hogwarts. But something was not right; she wasn't acting like her usual lively self, and he felt a little disheartened when her smile faded to a frown.

Shrugging it off, he once more pulled her into a deep embrace as he shed a tear of happiness. Hermione hugged him back just as hard, if not harder, while he kissed the top of her head over and over again.

She then back out of his hold and looked up at him with a blank expression as a small tear rolled down her cheek. Draco lifted a hand and wiped the tear away with his thumb before leaning down and placing a tender kiss upon her lips.

"What happened to you?" he asked pulling back, remembering she was covered in blood "Where is Jason? Why were you so close to that Lion? Did it hurt you? Hermione...Answer me."

Hermione stared up at him with a detached expression, not saying a word.

"Hermione, why are you covered in blood?" he asked again while looking her over for any cuts in a panic.

"Draco...I'm fine." She claimed quietly.

"Where is this blood coming from?"

"It's...I-it's not mine."

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