Part 4 - Mia

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As much as you piss me off at times, I love you, your like a sister to me, you've always got my back through everything, your always one of the first I go to, to tell things when I don't know how to tell anyone else, you are my best friend and the only person (other than Tara) that I can ever trust knowing full well whatever I tell you will never go any further, your so nice and your pretty so don't even put your self down about it!! Anyone who leaves you is stupid to do so, your amazing and I don't know who wouldn't want that, I don't agree with who your with, this is my fault, it was the first time with josh.. I hate to and I don't want to see you get hurt  and not be able to help, I hate it, Ben isn't good for you he's like josh, he has it all but he still seems to lie about everything, you know at least josh was honest, Ben just lies about everything, he has what we never had, a happy mum, a dad, a functional family, he has what I never had, money a support network friends and I hate how he goes about lying like he's gonna get away with it, I honestly if it was up to me I'd say break up with him before he hurts you again because you don't deserve it at all

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