How to train your Hero

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How to train your Hero

By Frozarburst

Somewhere out in the clear blue skies of the oceans past Lyvsheria, the emoji alien samurai, Hali Momotaro, and her awesome fire breathing dragon Firefly go on a journey across the seas to an island rumored to have valuable resources for both the Toon Force and potential legendary Magiswords. During the ride, Momo wears an expression of great confidence and determination while her dragon keeps a straight face reaching their destination. He gracefully comes to a halt by the beachhead of the island and lowers himself down with his wings that double as arms. Quickly as they land, Momo slides off Firefly's lowered wing to the sand and takes out a small pole from her backpack and sticks it in the ground, activating its extension antenna for a signal for the Toon Force back at Rhybloflaven and Retroville. Just then, however, a few trees can be heard brushing around as though something big were approaching. Out comes a giant spider slowly crawling out the forest just a few feet from the duo making a quiet yet easy to hear roar. It raises its appendages in a threatening manner, not of it going for the kill but rather a fair warning. Firefly doesn't buy it. He begins to charge up his fire within him from his lungs, but Momo raises her hand at to get him to stop, which he immediately obeys in confusion. Again, Momo keeps a confident, yet also cocky grin and makes a quick sprint for the spider, who tries to lunge at her but misses with both jabs to the sand! The young samurai gets on her knees during her run and slides across the surface severing the spider's round 9-eyed head off and stands back up when she gets behind the monster thinking she's won. However, the spider shockingly raises another head where Momo is and practically horrifies her! She defends herself using her sword to slice and block multiple jabs from the monster's arms, only to get smacked in the cheek into a boulder nearby! But just before the spider could go for the kill, Firefly breaths fire on the monster and burns its back! The monster scrambles trying to put out the blaze and quickly jumps into the water, to which it raises its head out of seconds later cursing at the dragon before going back in. Momo briefly looks at Firefly, who smugly looks at her with an eyebrow raised as she silently grunts in embarrassment at her cockiness. This doesn't upset her, however, as the two of them continue their journey into a cave temple hidden on the island.

Firefly is behind her now, and Momo has a torch lit so they can see inside as the close corners of the hallway keep them at a straightforward path, which Firefly doesn't quite like due to the claustrophobic nature of the temple. Strangely, there's barely any bugs crawling around at all, and yet there was a massive one just before they arrived inside. This catches Momotaro's attention when she turns to an empty slot on the wall with strange handwriting that seems to continue down the hall. She turns to her Monstrous Nightmare and smiles with her antennae flashing,"Spark" which logically means to shoot a spark of fire at the wall, which he does right through the flashing texts above Momo's hair. This briefly blows back her hair into a frozen star shape to her disapproval as Firefly starts to giggle. However, he the moment is immediately disrupted when the both of them gaze at the long wall text revealing various images of a sword in the making. It first starts off as a couple of stick figures grouped together with rectangles shaped like hammers banging against a piece of metal in light that turns itself into a small sword, followed by the sword being lifted by another stick figure; this time with colored in white chalk in its face, and used to cut in two a black demon of some sort. Obviously, this sounds like Samurai Jack's history. Momo knows this based on stories he told to her during training in the dojo back at the Toon Force Base. But this time it feels much more meta and different; almost like this world is home to her master. The same sword by the stick warrior is fully drawn and zoomed in on the walls for a close up which shows it dented and cracked from wear and tear, which leads to it being broken and its material melted down for other swords to be forged. This results in the creation of a sword oddly shaped like a light bulb, a broadsword with a large golden V at its base, and a few more swords which became far more bizarre looking as they were separated more and more to the point where none of them look anything like an actual sword.

By the time Momo and Firefly finish reading the story, they reach the end of the hallway where they enter a large observatory of sorts with several metallic orbs stuck against the curved walls. This gives Firefly the chance to once again stretch out his wings, but also gaze up at the large metal tower at the center of the room that's been overtaken by vegetation. The tower just barely sticks out of the open hole in the ceiling big enough to double as a hangar door for Firefly to jet himself out of. And right above the tower is the sun shining down on it at the right time. When Firefly pulls his winged arms back, he accidentally knocks over a small wrench from a piece of stone that bumps into Momo's back. She turns around and picks it up while scratching her back in irritation, looking at it and back to the tower where she finds a small knob that needs to be turned a little by the tool. She uses the wrench to tighten the bolt further into the crack its protruding out of and ends up activating the tall tower with a loud rumble that shakes the entirety of the room! The samurai's dragon huddles himself over her to protect her from falling rocks, when suddenly, the tower shoots a purple beam up at the sky to the center of the sun, dimming the light just for a couple minutes to reveal a series of more text and art on the walls and holograms of planets and their coordinates hovering around the duo! To Momo, it feels like a video game about transforming robots, but she also is left in awe looking all around her at the sight of the many solar systems and galaxies! Most, if not all look similar to one another with some slight changes to their environments here and there. But the weird thing is that these are all grouped by dimensions which each contain their own universes and coordinates to those universes. Together, two of these make up a complete multiverse, but only the two with planets Momo is familiar with. Every other dimension have their own timelines and events playing out, which Momo can see for herself in real time. This is so much for her to process that she takes out her Neutron Camera and Magiphone and records everything from the coordinates of the many planets floating around her to the tower holding the sun perfectly at its core. Meanwhile, Firefly tries eating the floating planets, but each chomp leads to the holograms bursting into tiny specks of light. One of the planets almost rams into his cheek when he happens to see it passing by from another dimension with an altered timeline that, for a while, merged with the dimension he's currently in. It contains dragons of all kinds like he and the many beasts were led by one who was supposedly the last of his kind until he found another and led his newfound kingdom. Firefly pauses and recognizes the description of this world, but he quickly ignores it and eats the hologram instead. After a long 4 minutes of observation, both Hali's phones run out of storage space; estimating 12.5 GB worth of content. This, though, had more than enough information to send to Jimmy Neutron in his lab and potentially discover more worlds in their dimensions and restore the coordinates of Gumball and Starfire's.

Suddenly, the tower stops firing and lets the sun go and brighten itself again like always, but this time the machine collapses in on itself signifying that it's time for the samurai duo to leave. Momo hops on Firefly's back and they both head off outside the chamber to the skies through its roof as the temple below them starts to catch itself on fire! Unfortunately, the flames could potentially reach the other parts of the island and set the natural land ablaze with any and all creatures on it! In order to prevent the disaster, Momo directs her dragon down to a reservoir in the forest with palm trees that she morphs into a large water rack with help from some native monkeys eating bananas. They toss her their banana peels to use as a paste for the corners of the tool, and with his feet, Firefly takes it above the fires at the ruined temple and gently sprays them with water to put them out. All of the flames die out before they could reach the trees and local animals around the ruins watch and cheer. Relieved, Momo and her dragon fly back down to the broken tower and discover at its center another orb as big as Momo's head that has a crease in it as though it was meant to be opened.

One Hour Later...

Firefly and Momo teleport through the Universe Portal Machine back to Jimmy's lab after he was able to pinpoint their location using the beacon Hali placed at the beachhead earlier. Excited for their findings, Jimmy, Timmy, Sheen, Carl, Starfire, and Goddard come over to them in anticipation only to find that all Momo brought them was the orb and the footage on her cameras, which were too big for her to play at the moment. Confused and bored, Timmy, Carl, and Sheen walk off finding the artifact to be boring to look at. But to Jimmy, it's the most interesting thing Momo's found. Starfire especially is surprised at the thing and lightly presses her finger tips at its crease, causing it to light up and open like a capsule, containing the coordinates to not only the worlds the Toon Force have already visited, but also locations they've lost, including Starfire's and Gumball's. This makes Starfire so happy that her eyes begin to shed heavy tears as she hugs Momo tightly to her on her knees eternally grateful.

The End

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