Take it Slow

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Take it Slow

By Frozarburst

One day during the years of the Rhybloflaven Adventure Academy, the class of Professor Cyrus leave out after yet another session where the teacher throws a Magisword in Bunky the Closet after the Warriors for Hire used them against the curriculum. This time, Prohyas used it when Bimm was stuck in expanding whol and couldn't use the shearing tool.

Prohyas leaving out the room: I just don't understand why he won't let us use at least one Magisword! Doesn't he know it makes things a lot easier?

Vambre leaving out the room: Well, he did say it wasn't part of the curriculum. But some of these lesson require a bit of expertise we don't have, nor anyone else in that regard. No offense to them, of course.

Cattus coming over to Bimm: Are you alright, Catty Rumpus?

Bimm still dizzy from the experience: I'm not sure...I think I need a glass of milk to calm my nerves...

Familiar getting on his Magiphone: Yeah, considering what you described the future would be like by falling in whol, I think it's for the best.

Cyrus: Well now that our traditional confiscation of them Magiswords is over, I wanna thank ya for participatin' in this here endeavor, Bimm. You get an A for the day. Prohyas ain't so lucky, as always...

Frank: BOK!

Bimm: No offense, sir, but I feel as though much of what I've done was too much for me to handle, physically...and mentally. I'm sorry...

Cyrus: HAHA! Ah, little one, you just as funny as ever, but yer so right. I know some don't find me to be the best role model when it comes to stuff like this, but I ain't afraid to make recommendations either. Maybe you need a bit of help. Someone besides me you can look up to.

Cattus: That does not sound like a bad idea if I do say so myself, Bimm. Perhaps you can get inspiration from someone to better yourself and more.

Bimm fiddling her fingers: I dunno...

Morbidia suddenly stretching her head in the conversation: I have an idea! (Brings full body over) Why not get yourself a BOifriend or something? That'll at LEAST be a fresh start.

Bimm: Well, our parents always did implore me to find the perfect man so I can continue the tradition of adventuring...Forcibly...

Cyrus: Not quite what I was expectin', but whatever works! (Walks out class with Frank) I'm out now.

Frank: BOK BOK!

Familiar: Alright, but who would you pick? I've got this dating app on my phone that says there's like 17 people who match your style.

Gateaux: Wait, why do you have a dating app? You're not in love with anyone too, are you?

Familiar lifting his tail and wiggling his ears: U-um...Research.

Bimm: I have 17 matches?! Can you name a few?

Familiar: ...Well, uh...You see...(Points)

Bimm turns behind her and notices that some of her classmates, Phibby, Prohyas, and Gateaux are all standing there blushing and kicking dust from the floor, all while giving her a nice big grin, seemingly enamored by her appearance.

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