Chapter 1: What do you know about Ms. Manoban?

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At YG Entertainment Office, Third Person POV

"It is confirmed that Manoban Corporation will expand its empire and move their Headquarter to Seoul, South Korea next month. Lalisa Manoban, 22 years old CEO and owner of Manoban Corporation will attend and give a speech in their Headquarter Opening Gala...bla..bla" A reporter busily read her line in a news report on television.

At a meeting room, Mr. Yang and members of Blackpink are having a briefing for an upcoming event. Blackpink is the hottest Girl Group in Korea right now. They are consist of 4 girls, Kim Jennie, Kim Jisoo, Park Chaeyoung or Rose, and Bae Joo-Hyun or Irene. 

"So girls, as you heard from the news, Manoban Corporation will be moving to Seoul next month, they want Blackpink as the guest star at the opening gala. You guys will sing three songs, the list of the songs will be updated soon. The thing is, one of you will be assigned to accompany Lisa Manoban herself for the rest of the Gala until she choose to retire from the event." Said Mr. Yang.

"What will the person have to do Sajangnim?" Irene asked Mr. Yang

"Well, by accompany I mean the person have to be by Ms. Manoban side for the rest of the event, try to make a conversation with her, be friendly with her. Her private assistant request that personally because Ms. Manoban need someone to keep her company so other people will not try to approach her and try to talk about business and other trivial matter." 

"What about the rest of the members Sajangnim? What will we do while waiting?" Asked Jennie

"A VIP table will be provided for you guys, you can watch and enjoy the event or make a small talk with other guests. But don't forget boundaries ok? We can't have rumours spreading right now. Anyway, Rose-ah can you be the one to accompany Ms. Manoban? Since you guys are around the same age, may be you can make friends more easily?" Mr. Yang look at Rose direction demandingly

"No problem Sajangnim. I will try my best. So..when is the Gala again?" Said rose while the others are nodding.

"The gala will be held on the first Saturday evening next month. Please prepare for the performance girls. Manoban Corporation might be become a very important client because there are possibilities for Blackpink to become their newest acquired automobile company ambassador. Surely you know that Manoban Corporation has bought Hyeundai? (I change Hyundai into Hyeundai, Lol)  That's a big new recently. And if the partnership going well, they also will sponsor your world tour next year."

"What?! World tour? For real Sajangnim?" Jisoo is the first one to ask while the others squealed and shocked.

"Yup, so do your best girls and most importantly you Rose-ah." Mr. Yang point his finger while chuckling softly. "Now go back to your dorm, since it's already late and rest well. I'll see guys again soon."

After the meeting the girls go back to their dorm with their managers.

At the car..

"Who is this Ms. Manoban again?" Jisoo asked, breaking the silence in the car while munching her favorite chicken skewer.

"Unnie don't speak when your mouth is full. Anyway Lalisa Manoban is the CEO of Manoban Corporation. The Corporation at the present is one of the biggest in the world. They are multi-disciplined industries varies from pharmaceutical, chemical, fast moving consumer goods and the most recent is automotive. They are not building it from zero though, but usually they buy a specific company and make it bigger, waay bigger and successful than before. Lisa herself is the richest person in the world under 30, but she's not all unicorn and rainbow. She's an orphan. the only family she has left is her half sister, Mina Manoban." Jennie told the girls the story while they listed to her attentively.

"Wow you know a lot about her unnie. Lisa is a really cool girl to achieve all that in such a young age, now I'm so excited to meet her in person." said Rose excitedly.

"How did you know all of those jendeuk? I thought you're not into business stuff like that?" Jisoo ask jennie while looking at her curiously.

"My mother told me one time, after she went to one of Manoban Corp's charity gala in New Zealand. She literally become Lisa's fan after that." Jennie chuckled.

"Oh yeah, sometimes I forgot you come from a wealthy family unnie." Said Rose

"Jen, do you know anything about this Lisa's personality?" Irene finally join the conversation

"Well..not much. I only know that she's smart, like super smart. People said that she's a prodigy or something. She finished her master degree from an ivy league university when she's only 18 and she built her empire within 4 years. She got looks also. You can say she's very handsome for a girl. And alsoo..She's gay. She was publicly dated a girl back then. Some tobacco company heiress somewhere."

"Whoaa..Careful not to fall for her chipmunk" Jisoo giggled teasing Rose.

"I actually feel sorry for her. She was literally raising her sister at such young age, while trying to make a living. Nobody deserved that especially at her age." Irene frown while saying that. The girls nodded agreeing to what Irene just said.

Nobody talk after that, and the car stopped at its destination. The girls didn't realize that they already arrived because of the conversation.

"Ok girls, we have arrived at the dorm. Now hop off and take some rest will you? I'll see you guys tomorrow." Their manager smile and open the door for them.

"Thank you for today oppaa~" said the girls.

(Time skip)

At the gala..Lisa POV

"Ready Lis?" Seulgi barged in to my VVIP room while checking me from head to toe. I'm wearing a black lady tuxedo which perfectly fit on my body. (sorry i'm not really good at describing outfit and place) "Wow, I must say you look very handsome my friend." She giggled and lean in to give me a kiss on my cheek. "Oh shut up seulgi, you not look so bad either." I wink at her and we laugh at each other. Seulgi is my personal assistant, my best friend and my most trusted confidant.

Me, Seulgi, and Bambam are childhood friends. Seulgi and Bambam were orphans too before my parents took them in when we were kids, after that we are inseparable. We always together through thick and thin especially after my parents's death, they helped me raise my little sister Mina, they are my chosen family. When I pursue my education they followed me and pursue their interests at some institutions nearby.  Seulgi graduated with a Business Management degree and Bambam become an expert in martial arts. After I established my company, we stick together, Seulgi become my personal assistant and Bambam become my personal bodyguard. They are actually hold more power than it seems. Seulgi is my second in command within the company and Bambam is the head of our private security agency.

"Anyway Lis, It's time for your speech." Seulgi pat my back and smiling.

"Ok, thank you seulgs. Where's Bambam?" I sighed. I don't really like being in the spotlight, but my position requires me to do so.

"He's at front waiting for you. Come on, don't pout you look ugly. Have you called Mina? That sister complex of yours will eat me alive if you forget to call her before big event like this."

"Yeah I called her half an hour ago." we laughed because we know it's true. Mina is so possesive of me. Mainly because I'm the only family she got left, right? But she doesn't live with me right now, she lives in London because of her education.

"Okie dokie, uh oh and don't forget one of the guest star member will accompany you throughout the event after they finished their performance. Be nice to her ok?"

"Why do you say that like I'm gonna bite her or something? Relax, a company will do me good i I have an excuse not to socialize with the other guests. That's your part anyway. haha..What's her name?"

"It's Park Chaeyoung from Blackpink." Seulgi sighed.

Ooh.. I know her, she's Park Chipmunk!

How do I know her? I'm secretly their fans. Lol

"Got it, Let's get this show on the road"

---------------------------------------------------- was it? I hope you like it. :) 

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