Chapter 42: Ige Mwoya?

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Jennie POV:

"Hey, are you ready? I'll wait for you at the backstage exit."

Once I read Lisa's text message, I hurriedly change and put on some light make up. We'll going out and do some talk. I'm kind of worried with the possible outcome of the talk but I can't lie that the idea of going out with her, just the two of us makes me so excited.

"5 minutes, wait up." I texted her back.

"Noo... That means an hour." She replied

"I hate you." She's annoying sometimes when she teased me, a lady needs her time no?

"I don't. :)" Lisa replied.

Really? you don't hate me Lisa? after what you think I did to you..

I chose to leave it there and get ready as fast as I could. After quick 20 minutes I texted my manager that I'm ready. I told him in advance that I'll be going out with Lisa, he led me to the backstage exit and warned me to be careful not to be taken picture together with her.

When I got through the door I saw her leaning on the car. I didn't really notice her outfit in the venue earlier because it's kind of dark, but I can see it clearly now how she wears that oversized t-shirt and jeans. She looks very boyish and attractive even with that hint of sadness left on her face.

Can someone tell me why she's not a model again?

She noticed me right away and protectively escorted me until I get into the car. Inside the car we sat side by side, it's been awhile since I get this close to her. I took my time to observe her secretly. Her hand still looks the same, they look big and inviting, her long hair fell neatly on her perfect wide shoulders, and her smell.. I miss this smell..

In a moment of ignorance I felt like nothing had changed, like she's still my Lisa.. my Lisa.. whose scent feels so sweet like home.

"How's your ankle--"

"I thought--"

We talked at the same time then both fell silent.

She turned her head and say "Go ahead, you first."

"Ah.. okay" I said. "I thought you don't want to talk to me again Lisa.. or at least for the time being."

"I wasn't sure if I'm the one who should initiate the talk, but I think we both need this no? some kind of closer.."

"Closure?" I quietly mumbled. "Hmh, what did you want to ask earlier?"

"Ah, how's your ankle?"


"Eh? That's a straight answer." Lisa laughed

"Because it is.. it hurts everywhere." I replied weakly

"What did doctor say?"

"I'll live."

"Of course you'll live, that's not live threatening. Well can you hold it for now? tell me if it's too hurt to walk, I'll carry you."

"Is that for real or you just teased me?"

"What do you think?"

"What if it feels too hurt when I'm performing?"

"Call my name, I'll come running and carry you."

"What about Jisoo?"

"What about her?"

"You wouldn't want her too see you pick me up on stage and run towards the sunset no?"

"Okay, I'll let her carry you instead."

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