Chapter 17: Mai mee tang ka

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Chaeyoung POV

You know what? We're in Thailand! We are soo excited because this is like our first vacation together ever. I hope good things will happen during this trip, like eating good food, buying some snacks, visiting some street food vendors. Yeah! Good things!

Earlier at the airport the reception were amazing! I love our Thai Blinks, but don't worry readers I love you too, don't forget to buy our album, muahh! Anyway, we've just arrived at our hotel in Bangkok. The room was beautiful! It was decorated with flowers which turned out was arranged by Lisa. The room itself was a family suite, so there were kitchen, dining area, small bedroom with two single beds, and master bedroom with a huge double bed. Jisoo unnie and I will share the single beds room while Irene unnie and Jennie unnie will share the master bedroom.

This time our entourage and Lisa's didn't book our own floor but we shared one. In another word her room is somewhere on the same floor as us. I hoped Lisa will take us to yummy places since she is originally from Thai.

We just settled in our respective rooms when I suddenly in the need of some water.

"Jisoo unnie, I'm going to get some water and check the fridge real quick. Do you want anything?" I talked to Jisoo unnie who's busy playing with her phone.

"Ani, thank you pasta" She answered unbothered.

"Ok, I'll be right back." I made my way to the kitchen and get myself some water. When I was about to check the fridge I heard something from the hallway to the door. I tiptoed to the nearest wall to the hallway. I lurked from behind the wall like a professional spy only to find the same couple I caught kissing days ago is kissing again now, still ignorant of my presence.

"Aren't you tired baby?" Jennie unnie asked, looking up while Lisa pinning her to the wall hugging her waist.

"I just wanted to see you first. You're so beautiful Jennie." Lisa said with a husky voice looking at Jennie unnie lovingly.

"You've seen me, now get some rest okay?" Jennie unnie giggled.

"Can I kiss you again?"

"You don't have to ask when we're alone you know." Excellent, now they're eating each other's face again.

This is getting awkward better get back to my room before I get discovered

I entered my room to find Jisoo unnie still playing with her phone. I felt so sorry for this girl in front of me, does she know Lisa is together with Jennie unnie now? Should I tell her?

"Unnie, stop playing, it's very late better get some sleep." I said to her while slipping into the comfort of my bed's duvet.

"Just a minute. What did you find in the fridge?" She put down her phone and turn to lay on her side facing me.

"Uhhh..That's a good question unnie, but I didn't check the fridge. I was distracted."

"By what?"

" the view..hey you still have a crush on Lisa?" I changed the topic

"Hmm.." She looked sad "Why you do you ask?"

"Just know..Unnie, what if Lisa already have someone?"

"You mean Jennie?" I gasped. "You know about them unnie?"

"Yeah..I saw Lisa picked Jennie up after the interview days ago. Jennie also sent a text calling Lisa baby. What about you? How did you know?"

"I saw them kissing."

"Oh.." Jisoo unnie looked and sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry unnie.."

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