Chapter 19

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Hush, child, darkness will rise from the deep

and carry you down into sleep.

Child, the darkness will rise from the deep and

carry you down into sleep.

Hearther Dale "Mordred's lullaby"

The electrical shock went trough Josette's body as the electrode plates touched her. Her heart rate shoved no change and the plates were once again pressed to her chest. The brunets heart rate quickned but othervise showed no sign of stabiliseing. Dr Strange let the girl have about five seconds time to breath before putting the plates down on Josette's unconsious body again. Nothing happened.

"She's at the emergency!",  Charlie Bright exclaimed when Pepper told him where his fiancee' was. He'd gotten to the hospital a bit after the genius did and was now asking both Pepper and Tony for more information regarding Josette. 

Pepper nodded "Yes",

Charlie swalloved and fired another question at the couple. "How long has she been in there?", 

"About 20 minutes", the redhead answered. 

"Actually 20 minutes and 30 seconds", Tony countered. Who had been counting down the minutes. Charlie gave him an irritated look but said nothing. The blonde turned towards Pepper again. "Has anyone updated us on how she's doing?", She shook her head sadly and her eyes glaced over "N-no", 

"Well did they mention if she'll survive?", Charlie said desperately the lump in his troat growing bigger by every second. 

"She's lost a l-lot o-of blo-od", Pepper replyed her voice shakeing at the end. Charlie apparently wasn't satisfied by her answer cause as soon as Pepper said the words he repeated his question. "Did they say it?", Pepper looked down at her hands that rested on her lap. She didn't want to say it saying it made it real, couldn't she just pretend for a little while longer? She was silent for a long time. And both Charlie and Tony was starting to wonder if she was going to say anything at all. But when she finally did respond they were both chilled to the very bone of what she said. "They said Josette's almost as good as dead",

Tony felt the blood leaving his face. This wasn't happening, this wasn't even possible! Josette would survive. His daugther would survive. She couldn't be as good as dead she just couldn't. The doctors would fix her and she would walk out of the room compleatly fine hateing him. Although he would have to do something about that. Honestly he didn't even know why he was worried. Doctors saved lifes all the time so why would this be different? Why would she be different? But no matter how he tried to convince himself she'd survive Tony couldn't help the cold feeling which was sneaking it's way around his heart. If he had been afraid before, it was nothing compared to what he was feeling now.

"But she is still in there, that means they are still trying. It have to mean something!", Charlie exclaimed. 

"Yes, but it also means that her chanses of surviveing are getting lower. Not letting her out means it's serious", Tony responded to the blonde.

"She's at the emergency of course it's serious!", Charlie cut in snapping at the billionare. Who continued like nothing had happened.

"The more time they spend with her, the worse her condition gets", Tony explained.

"Josette's surviveing chanses are also increasing.", Charlie added, arguing in favor for the doctors. "Or would you rather let her bleed out?", he continued rudely.

Tony's eyes narrowed as he glared at the man infront of him. "Do you want a black eye?", he fired back. Charlie didn't even blink.

"Tony!", Pepper exclaimed shocked.

"Yes?", the genius asked inocently.

Pepper gave him a look. "You know what",

"Don't give me that look", Tony replyed.

"Don't change the subject", the redhead retored.

"I'm not changeing the subject.", Tony said. "Your changeing the subject", 

"I'm not...", a confused Pepper started to say but was cut of by Tony. "We were talking and then I said something and then you told me not to change the subject which had already changed so you tryed changed it back to what it had been before therefore you changed it while I was just following the conversation", That of course caused Pepper to talk back to him denying what he said was true. Causing Tony to deny that. And suddenly they were both talking over each other. Neither one of them hearing what they were actually saying. 

Meanwhile Charlie was trying to respond to Tony's comment makeing it even harder to understand what everyone was saying. With the blonde throwing in some colourful insults at the billionare.

"You shouldn't have...",

"Can you act like a human being for five seconds and not as a mentally disturbed duck?...",

"I haven't done anything wrong!",

"I actually think that you can lower a rooms spirit by stepping into it!",

"Clearly you don't have any idea...",

"Lowering a room's spirit? Well no one's perfect. Besides you apparently...",



 In the end Tony and Charlie were glareing at each other and Pepper was trying to talk some sense into them after Charlie had said Tony looked like a mellon big and full with water in the head to which Tony had responded with that mellons at least had a function while the blonde had absolutely none.

However if any of them knew what was happening at the emergency right then they would have been acting very differently. Cause when Charlie and Tony were spitting bile over each other Josette's heart had stopped.

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