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Nikki's Pov

I am nine months pregnant and I am happy because I can get back in the ring one week after . I was in the bed with john as I felt a pain in my stomach . I jeld my belly the I felt water on the bed .

" John my water broke ", I said waking up john

" ok lets go to the hospital ", john said going to the car

" What about the kids. ", I said

" Camille is there ", he said as we went to the hospital

" Wjat can I help you with ", the nurse said

" umm she is going into birth ", he said and we went to the room

" ok push ", the doctor said

John's Pov

Nicole just gave birth . I called brie and bryan then they came . I called camille amd told her that brie were coming for the kids and she said ok . After I finshed calling camille I went back in the room.

" Hey how are you feeling ", I said kissing nicole

" I feel good and the baby does to ", she said handing me the baby

" Hey john ", I said to him

" He looks like you ", nicole said

" yea but that ok because both sophy and liv look like you ", I said

" yes they do because I'm beautiful " , nicole said

" yes you are ", I said as brie and bryan came in

" Hey guys how is my new baby nephew " , brie said taking the baby from me

" He is good ", nicole said

Nikki's Pov

it's been two days since I gave birth and I m going home to the kids. They are so happy that I'm coming home with the baby . They didn't get to see me at the hospital because they are too young to come in the room . we pulled up in the garage and john took the baby then went inside .

" Mommy ", olivia yelled hugged me and I lfted her up

" olivia did you miss me ", I said putting her down

" yes ", she said as I kissed her

" Mommy " sophia yelled come downstairs and hugging me then I lifted her up

" Hey I missed you both ", I said putting her down

" Me too ", sophy said

" Look I brought home the baby ", I said taking him from john

" yea he looks like Dad ", sophy said

" yes ", olivia said

" ok I'm gonna feed him ", I said going in my room with john

" Are you ok ", John asked

" Yea I have three kids at twenty seven isn't that great ", I said

" I know you are upset but it's going to be worth it in the end ", he said kissing me

" I'm not upset and I know it will be worth it but I didn't imagine I would be a mom to three kids at twenty seven ", I said stop feeding baby john

" I know I'm so sorry because I'm the one who wanted this and you still have your whole life ahead so sorry ", he said

" it's ok ", I said playing with baby john

" What are we gonna call the baby because my name is john ", he asked

" umm Johnny or Anthony ", I said

" Yes Anthony ", he said playing with anthony and he laughed

" ok ", I said

" so when are you going back to the performance center ', he asked

" umm next week but I start excercising tomorrow ", I said

" Really tomorrow ", he said

" Yes tomorrow ", I said

" Why tomorrow ", he said

" Because I just put my life on hold being pregnant and now I'm trying to get my life back on the road ". I said

" ok so am I going to look aftet them " , he said getting me upset

" Who else if you aren't going to do it tell me before I leave my kids you please because I will leave them at brie or carry them with me ", I said getting mad

" I know but .. ", he said as I got up with Anthony and walked out the room slamming the door then went downstairs

" sophia did you eat already ", I said

" yea ", she said as I put Anthony in his bouncer then john came downstairs and wrapped his hands around my waist

" umm John stop ", I said removing his hands

" ok look I'm sorry ", John said

" John stop you don't need to be apologizing because I have to forgive you at the end of the day but you made me got upset ". I said

" ok I love you ", he said taking Anthony up

" I love you too ", I said as he kissed me

" Eew mom and daddy are kissing ", sophy said

" Sophy why are you look at us in the first place ", I said

" because your my parents", she said

" ok well if you don't want to see us kissing look away ", I said kissing john

" Sophy make sure your married before you start having his ", I said as john looked at me

" ok I'm gonna have alot of kids ", she said

" wow hold up I want grandkids but not that much ", I said as john laughed also Anthony

" You are such a cute baby ", I said

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