Chapter 4. Alone Together

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You fell asleep after crying all night long. You just met him a few days ago, but you loved him so much already. The words Paragus and Broly spat to you were cruel, but also so true. Paragus is his father. It's only natural he had chosen his father first... Rather than a stranger like you.

You woke up with black circle around your eyes. You had a long sleep, but it wasn't good at all. It feels like your bedroom is spinning in circles...


That's Broly!

"Y-Yes...?! Sorry. I just woke up."

"Can I come inside?"

You take a look at her messy clothes. "Ah. Well... Yes, you can, Broly. But wait for five minutes."



You changed your sleeping dress to something more proper and politer. While changing, your stomach growls. You haven't had dinner yesterday. And so far, you only remember a slice of fruit with Broly before returning to your bedroom.

He entered after five minutes has passed.

You are sitting at the edge of your bed, with that usual resting bitch face look on your face.

"You didn't join us for dinner." He brought a tray of food. "I was... Told by my father to bring you food."

You chuckled. "Whoa how kind of you."

He only nod, and sit next to you. He has the same concerned look on his face, the same as yesterday. You began to wonder if you made him worry too much. You look away and start to eat. There's an awkward tension between the two.

"(y/n). Why did you miss dinner?"

You already thought of an answer. "I am extremely sleepy. I have no idea why. It just... I'm just tired. That's all."

"(y/n), you aren't lying to me, right?"

You looked over to Broly, his facial expression changed to suspicion. He can feel something wrong with you. Well, it seems the only way to erase the suspicion between you two is to tell the truth. You deserve to say it, and he deserve to know it.

"Alright, big guy. I'm lying, why? Because I love you, I wanted to be with you, I wanted to stay with you. But your dad told me I can't be too close to you."

As you finished the sentence, a tear came out from your eye. You wiped it before Broly could see anything. You don't want him to see your tears. It's embarrassing... And you want to look strong in front of him.

He lifted your face, looking straight into your eyes. "(y/n) ... I also love you. But father also told me to not get too close."

You nod your head. He can see clearly the tired look on your face, the baggy eye sockets and tear stains. "That's only to be expected, well then, now that I have confessed to you..." You stood up to get your towel.

He looked excited, like a child. "Do you want to take a bath together again?"

"I'd rather not. If he found out, your dad will go berserk." You jokingly replied. You took a bottle of shampoo and a small bar of soap from your table and walk ahead of Broly.


While you're taking a bath, Broly came out from your bedroom and met his father. He followed him to the main cabin, so silent and obedient. He wore a head tiara that... To be honest looked cool on him. But his bangs can hide it.

[That's right ladies, it's a mix between the two Old and New Brolies]

After a long silence, his father spoke. "Broly, I happen to overheard your conversation between (y/n) and you..."

He just stood there, with his silent look. His father rotated the chair around to face his beloved only son. Broly felt... Scared. Somehow. He never felt anything this way before.

"It's been two months since the last time we got separated from the main ship. We have come all these ways just to go home. And if you... and her... Get together, your practice and medical checkups will be interrupted. You will start to spend your time with her more than practice."

He looked at his father. "Father... I guarantee that will not happen."

"You have no idea how far love can change a person."

"Alright father, I understand."

"Good. Never ever accept her love or affection ever again. Once we returned to Freeza you can let her go. She has good combat abilities, she will become a potential good soldier."

"Yes father."


While the father and son are having a conversation, you didn't take a bath at all. You never get in. Instead, you entered Paragus's bedroom instead. It's been days and you're dying to know more about this mysterious grandpa.

But instead you found a machine... Well more like a standard computer and blueprints. You saw one or two duplicates of similar Head Gear that Broly is wearing.

'What the... I knew Broly isn't a fan of tiara! That head gear must have meant something. Don't tell me it's a machine.'

You read a blue print and small notes on the table. What an irony, you don't understand anything that is written on the papers at all.

'Whatever is that, Broly got to have something special to be wearing a machine around his head.'

But another idea came in.

'Or maybe he's sick and this machine is keeping him healthy and alive... Yea that could be the reason.'

You hold the head gear and put it around your forehead and takes it off. You don't feel anything weird with it. Well you opened some drawers and found more documents with a far more complicated alien language.

'Well, I'm out of here.'

You exited the bedroom and head towards the bathroom to actually take a bath now. Broly and Paragus are nowhere to be found around the area. You sighed in relief.


Ten minutes passed. You exited the bathroom to found Broly waiting again. This time, he's holdinig an armor which is similar to the one he's wearing. You took it in your hands and changed to it.


Hello my little devils. And welcome to the newest chapter!*blows airhorn*

Alright so using 25 views as deadline is not only killing me but also put me in anxiety. *furiously check wattpad to see if the view is close to 75 or not*

How about 50 Views per chapter? >:D





Idk the Space bar is being a total dick. I need to press it a bit harder every time I need to type space. Thumb hurt. Send help.

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