Chapter 8. Proposal

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Chirai, Broly, Lemo and you are having the day of your lives. Lemo is teaching Broly how to fly the ship and he lost his control. The ship were spinning and moving without control, but Broly eventually got it right. He's sweating just by making the ship go forward.

"Broly, you need to calm down. This ship is your friend." Lemo explained, for the 19th time.

"I-I'm trying."

"Woah it's steady. You're doing great Broly!"

Chirai is chatting with you, seems no longer feared Broly's reckless driving.

"So you are alone huh? Just like Broly."

"Yeah..." You lean against the comfy chair. "I thought I will stay on that planet for the rest of my life, but I was wrong. Paragus and Broly saved me from that place and brought me here."

Chirai looks at her new buddy and look back to you. "I thought you two were dating. You and Broly are so close to each other and I don't see that old man Paragus scolding you for hugging his arm."

"Did he scold you, Chirai?"

"We were only talking to Broly, and Lemo and I got a warning from him." Her expression changed to annoyed.

You nod your head. "That sucks."

"How about you (y/n)? Paragus is really soft to you. Is it because..." Her facial expression changed to naughty. "You are Broly's chosen future wife?!"

Hearing that made you jumped a bit, your face is really red now. "NOO! Broly and I a-are just friends! And I'm his current teacher...!"

"Sure sure." Chirai winked at you.

After Broly understand the basics of piloting a space ship, the four of you are flying in circles around the Freeza's base. You see a lot of space ships from big to small, from the fastest to the slowest. You wonder how strong Freeza can be to own and boss around all these aliens.

"Chirai, how long have you been working for Freeza?"

Both of you are looking outside the windows. "Well, I guess around two years long. I was in the Space Galactic Patrol, but then I joined Freeza instead."

"What about you Lemo?"

"Hmm maybe more than twenty years. I've been working for him for a really long time."

There's a silence in the ship, only the sound of Lemo navigating Broly. You enjoyed this silence, and shortly you are lost with your thoughts. You remembered when your mother and brother picked you up from Military school, the proud looks on their faces are enough to make you feel big about yourself.

'Mary, is it hard to be a teacher?'

You and your teacher are sitting together during a lunch break. You didn't make any friends in Military school, which forced you to spend more time alone or sit with the teacher at lunch breaks.

'Well it depends on your skill and your students.'

'You are awesome, I want to be a teacher too. And then I will get paid a lot!'

'Don't think like that, (y/n). A true teacher teaches to brighten their student's future, not just to benefit yourself and only yourself.'

You scoffed. 'But money and power rules this world!'

'So does knowledge and wisdom.' She closed her lunch box, storing it back inside her backpack. 'Alright you said you want to become a teacher, right?'

You closed your empty lunchbox and store it back into your backpack. 'Yea! I want to be better than you.'

'Then come with me. Let's train at the training field, I will teach you how to control your energy and master your powers.'

You groaned. 'Sounds boring! But will it make me strong?'

'If you want to be a teacher like me, strength is not everything. It's mostly your knowledge in understanding and mastering your skills.'


Three days passed like a wind, unnoticed and quick. Broly already mastered his Ki powers and balancing his combat style. He's now stronger than ever, ready to train harder so he can achieve the Super Saiyan form. Paragus also followed the training, still grumpy though. He's not trying to achieve the Super Saiyan form, just wanting to train.

"Paragus, you are doing well, how about you and me, training privately?"

"What about my son?" He looked over Broly, who is resting after the training. "Can he come?"

"Sorry, but I want this training to be private." You did a front flip, relaxing your muscles and trying to get even faster. "I want you to be at least strong like me."

He took his time to consider the offer. "Well I will only spare one hour with you. After that I'm going with my son."

"Excellent!" You clapped your hands, feeling happy.

Paragus looked at Broly. "Alright, Broly. Go to the medical room and tell the doctors about your appointment. I will catch you up in one out."

He looks confused. "...Alone?"

You clings onto Broly's arm and let him go. "You can do it, big boy!"


Paragus and you picked a private training room that only special people with special passes can enter. Good thing you're special for Lord Freeza. He put down his armor and get ready. You, on the other hand seems relaxed.

"(y/n), I've been meaning to tell you this."

"Ooh interesting. What do you have for me?"

"As the only female Saiyan I know, I've been considering my words and... I would like for you to marry-"


"-my son. Wait what? I'm not proposing you for me."

There's an extremely awkward silence between the both of you. Your cheeks turn red from embarrassment and Paragus only wait for your answer. A few seconds had passed that felt like forever.

"But I'm not forcing you. I'm only asking this just in case Broly needs a life partner. And I can't trust him with the green alien- what's her name? Chirai."

"Chirai is our precious friend."

"Alright Chirai."

"And about your offer, yeah I will take it." Your cheeks are red, your heart is beating hard and fast- ooh you never thought Paragus will allow you and Broly to be together.

He nod his head. "We can discuss this matter later. For now, train me."


I have murdered the person that is causing problems in my life and delaying your precious updates.

I'm joking.



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