Chapter 9. Adult Time

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[Hello my beautiful reader, sadly, this chapter contains sex scene. Please skip this chapter if you don't like it. It's basically Broly and (y/n) doing fun stuffs and all.]


Broly is waiting in the medical room, resting after another brain and body scan. After Freeza allows Paragus to access modern medical facilities, Broly is getting the help he needed. Right now the doctors had stopped Broly from going berserk without his mind control device. But they need to put it on after the test anyway. He can hold his anger and overwhelming powers back for three hours, that's all. But he will improve and soon become normal.

"I wonder if you will look better without your device."

"(y/n)...? Where is father?" Broly saw you sitting on the sofa next to his bed.

You stood up while holding a tray of food. "Sadly he's too tired to check on you. Well, old people and their limited energies."

He sit down and eat his food quickly. He can always leave this room three hours after eating. But Broly often fall asleep or just stare at the walls to spend the time.

You put down the empty tray and placed it on the table. Broly reached for a glass of water but spilled it in process, making a mess on (y/n)'s dress. Yes, (y/n) often wear dresses when she's on break time. It's far more relaxing.


"I'm sorry!" Broly quickly get down from the bed and clean the mess.

You picked the empty glass and pour another drink for him. "No no it's okay. Your body is acting up after the scan. It's completely normal."

"But your dress is wet."

You looked down, ah he's right. "It's okay. I'll just change it after cleaning the floor. You stay put and I will be back for you."


Broly almost never made contact with female another than Chirai. Well it's safe to say he never see a girl for his entire life until he got taken in by Freeza. (y/n) is cleaning the floor using a mop stick while Broly is watching her from the bed. Her soaked dress made his heart beat, but why? It's only a wet dress.

"Okaay the water is gone." You put the stick back to the rightful place and noticed Broly's eyes looking at your behind. "Broly, were you looking me the whole time?"

"Was.. Was that rude? I didn't know. I'm sorry." The guilt in his eyes are so precious to look at.

"That's okay." You climbed the bed and tugged his hand. "Well as a payment, you must get well soon and be a good boy!"

Broly hold your hand and won't let go. The soaked dress made your panties visible from outside and he liked that. Ignoring your words, Broly grab your leg and pulled your butt to his face. He lift the dress and stare at your black lacy panties with hungry eyes. Poor boy doesn't even understand what's going on.

"Broly! Broly don't touch—AAH!" You felt his finger pressing and touching your clit, making a circle. "Ahh~ Broly! Broly~!!!"

He pulled down your panty, basically ripping it off. You knew words won't budge, so you back flipped and kiss him. He couldn't understand either and let you eat his lips. After awhile you let his face go.

"Keep this a secret between us. You may look and play... For now."

You take off your dress and unhooked your bra, letting your breasts fall out for Broly. The boy grab both jugs and fold them, kiss them, lick them and even suck the nipple. He's so big, so heavy and tall too. It's like letting a giant eats you out.

"(y/n), I love you. I want to be with you forever..." He whispered between your legs,

"Same with me, Broly."

"I noticed this is getting hard." Broly rose from the bed to show you his buldge. "I'm frustrated... I can't get it off. What do I do?"

You licked your dry lips, staring at his buldge with hungry eyes. "I will teach you a lesson, don't worry."


The five of you are having dinner together in the cafeteria. It's almost like a promise that Chirai and you will meet here every break time. But this time Broly and you have been awfully quiet. And Pargagus suspected something had happened while he's away.



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