Chapter 11. "Thank you, father...."

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Cover by me.


Two years had passed, the two of you are in a loving and healthy relationship. Broly is 46 years old while you are 50. Well it's not like ages really matter in the Saiyan race. Paragus is getting older and planning to let his son go, finally.

"(y/n), we have been together for two years. I love you and I'm ready to be by your side until death tears us apart."

He's proposing you after a mission. With ruined flaming city as background and Broly kneeling in front of you. Freeza and his armies are watching from the distance, jaw dropping. Except Freeza. He doesn't care.

You hold his hand, and reveal a diamond ring hidden behind his fingers. "Broly, I also love you. I'm ready to love and be by your side until death tears us apart."

"Will you be my wife?"

"I do!"

Chirai started to clap, she's crying in happiness. Lemo cheered the couple from behind, and look aside to see Paragus's reaction. But the old man quickly turn his back and return to the ship. "Oh no I'm injured. I need a doctor."

"Come on Paragus, this is your son's biggest moment." Lemo comforted him. "Don't you think you need to say something?"

He faced him. "It's not natural for a Saiyan Father to feel like this." He's happy, his expression showed happiness. "But he is no longer just my son. He has a wife to protect and probably a baby to feed."

"I guess you do have a soft side."

Broly isn't planning to continue without talking to his father. He approached Paragus quickly and stopped him from entering the ship. "Father, wait."

"If you want to speak then speak now, son. After all you no longer need me." He looked at Broly straight into his eyes. "I'm proud of you Broly."

He was silent but then he smiled. "Thank you for teaching me everything. Thank you for your aid and rescue when I was deserted in planet Vampa." He hugs his father, "I love you. But I can stand on my own two feet now."

His father returns the hug, this is the first and last affection he ever showed to him. How he regretted wasting Broly's entire childhood with training and powering up. Instead of trying to become a good father figure.

"Hey Broly!" You broke the moment with a tickle attack from behind. "Why so tense and dramatic? He could live with us~"

"Oh I guess you are right."

You and him hold hands together and continue to erase the entire race from this planet's face. This is a mission both Broly and you will remember forever.


Married soldiers, especially elites are allowed to leave Freeza's ship and be off duty as long they are still bound to the contracts. Five years had passed already, and Broly has grown into a fine father. He's no longer confused, out of control and scared.

(y/n) on the other hand, is probably the most loving mother a child could ask for. It's hard to leave their child when going for a long mission, but they must keep working to afford stuffs.

"Mama! Papa! You're finally home!"

"Jagai!" (y/n) run to hug her son. "How long have you been waiting?"

"Ten months. But I'm not a crybaby. I stay with Grandpa Paragus and train!"

Broly stared in disbelief. "Train...?"

Jagai posed magnificently. "I want to become strong like mom and dad! I want to become a super Saiyaaaan!!"

(y/n) shrugged it off. "I mean as long you like the training and not forced to do so."

"I want to protect papa and mama from dangers." Jagai showed a tiny energy ball he created. "I can make this now. But it's not strong enough."

Broly kneel down with one knee and brushed his son's head. "How about this? Tomorrow morning you come with papa to the training field. I will teach you everything you need to know to become a warrior."

His eyes shined, excited. "Ooooh! Really?! Yes yes!"

"Okay enough with the chit chat." (y/n) took out some food from her grocery bags. "It's dinner time!"


You people better show up at my new story ; - ; )/

Toppo x Reader!

Thank you so much everyone!

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