Chapter 7. We Love You

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Five hours of trip passed already. Broly wakes you up because the ship has arrived. You rub your eyes and look outside the window to see a gigantic ship. That must be the main one. You grab your backpack and suitcase, ready to head outside. The gate opened, allowing the ship to come inside. It's dark at first but then you see light.

"(y/n). We will bring you to lord Freeza, but remember to appear strong but obedient. He dislikes saiyans because the Great Ape can be a danger for them."

"Great ape? Hey I never turn into one. I remember seeing one back at Planet Vegeta, but I never turn into one. Maybe because something wrong with my eyes."

"Is that so? What about staring at the moon?"

"Yea I've done that. I don't recall turning into a monster or anything. I remember staring at it and just walk away because I need to do something else."

Broly hold your hand. "That's okay... You're still a Saiyan like us."


You stood before Lord Freeza. Paragus and Broly can't come with you while you're being interviewed. You must admit, it does feel intimidating just by standing in front of him. You bow your head and take a kneel.

"My name is (y/n). I'm here to be your faithful soldier. I'm ready to risk my life for your orders."

"Hmm... Another Saiyan. Paragus told me you're defective and can't turn into one of those monkeys. Good for me, then. But what about your combat power? What position I can give to you?"

"When I was a child, I erased an entire planet with my own hands. Though I kept some alive so they can be good resources for me. They keep the planet alive until I was rescued by your soldiers. Thank you for giving me a chance."

He clapped his hands, impressed. "Mh, impressive. I heard your planet has semi-intelligent beings. I guess you can be put with the middle class soldiers. Or do you have anything else?"

"Yes, my lord. Allow me to demonstrate."

You stand up and clench your fists. Quickly, after focusing your energy, the wind around you moved fast like a tornado. The workers inside the pilot deck can feel a large Ki power from your direction. You let out a loud yell, and successfully showed him your Super Saiyan form. Your improved muscles, your golden yellow hair, the massive energy around you... Enough to make his soldiers run away.

"OOH! IMPRESSIVE!" He's so happy. "But you are keeping it under control, right?"

"Yes, my lord. I can maintain this form for hours with no problem." You let down your Ki, turning back to normal. "If I may ask, my lord. Can I be assigned to be Broly's teacher? I shall teach him how to turn super Saiyan and keep it under control."

"Very well..." He's seen enough. "You will be placed among my elite soldiers. Perhaps you can fill in the empty spot after the Ginyu Force got wiped off. And please, I want to see my Soldier turning Super Saiyan soon... So I can beat a certain enemy!"

You bow again. "Your wish is my command."

"I like you already. Berry Blue, escort her to her bedroom."

The shorter lady approached you with a strange smile. "Come along now."


You met Broly and his friends in the canteen. His father and him have been waiting for you. You saw two other aliens sitting with them. A female with light green skin and a male alien with red skin. He looks old. You sit down next to Broly and hug his arm.

"You must be Broly's new friend. I'm Chirai, and this is Lemo." Chirai introduced herself to you. She's friendly.

You offered a handshake. "I'm (y/n). A saiyan like him. Broly told me about you two. He really cared about you guys."

Chirai and Lemo laughed, flattered. "We're good friends, after all!"

You look up to Broly. "Broly, let's train your breathing and energy after this."

He nods his head like a good boy he is. After that the canteen is open and everybody made a line to get their foods. In order to get their meal, they need to show their identity card to the lunch ladies and they will get you a meal that's based on your status. Soldiers and scouters have different food menu, while admirals and front-line soldiers too. It didn't take long to finish the food and continue to training session.


Three hours has passed since you teach the two Saiyans how to alter their energy and control their breathing cycle. Though you're not as brute and powerful as Broly, you are still a good sparring partner. Of course you're also teaching Paragus! You want both of them to get stronger than ever.

"That was greeeaat! Continue this evening?"

"Not me. Leave me out. That was tiring and tough." Paragus said.

You smirked. This tiny plan of yours is working!

"Alright grandpa. It's just Broly and me!"

His father looked at you and Broly, and then nod his head. "Alright, I trust my son in your hands. Don't do anything weird while I'm gone. We meet again at the canteen at lunch break, don't wander off too far!"

"Yes, father. Don't worry. (y/n) is nice."

"Alright..." He grabs his robe and slide something in your hand. "Use this if Broly ever gets violent. Just say: Behave Broly. And he will calm down."

Upon looking at the device, Broly's facial expression turn into horror. He tried to take off his headgear, but Paragus raised his hand to him and say in a hush tone...

'Behave, son.'

His angry and panic face slowly turn normal again. You couldn't believe what you're seeing! Before you could state your protest Paragus looked at you with begging eyes. Telling you to please just do what he has to say.

"Broly don't always go violent or out of control. This device is just for just in case. Never ever takes it off."

".... You know what, Paragus? I'm not complaining this time."

"Good. Alright I'm leaving."

Broly is staring at you with the look of betrayal. You noticed his expression and quickly take off the bracelet around your hand. You approached him with your usual friendly aura, trying to calm and convince him.

"Broly! I won't use this weapon. I promise. I said that so your father can trust you alone with me! S-See?! Off it goes!"

He holds your hands, looking at you with painful look.

"This... Does not hurt. But it makes me feel sad because I'm not free."

"Your father will get his debt collected one day. But right now, we need to play along."

You smiled at him, making sure he calmed down.

"Broly, your friends love you. I love you. We want to see you free and happy."

"Alright... Okay..."

After Broly put his trust with you, the two ofyou exited the Special Training room together. You two headed to the firstfloor where low ranked soldiers train together. Either with their guns or purepower. Mostly guns. There the two of you met Lemo and continue to search forChirai. This is going to be a fun day.


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