Chapter 2. Dream And Reality

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It's been three days since you had left Paragus and Broly at the capital. This planet is so silent, almost empty. The young female is done packing her clothes and stuffs into three huge suitcases. But the weight is not the main problem right now. It's been ten hours, and they haven't showed up yet. You can't even detect their energy. Did they run away without her? No way, you stayed up for three days straight to patrol the sky.

"Uhhh... Clearly they are late!!"

You are clearly pissed off.

"I swear when they showed up, I will snap their necks with my own bare ha-"


You turn around to met Broly standing there with his usual straight and blank expression.

"Why hello, Broly. Where is your father? Why are you here alone?"

"He will come. But he told me to do something." He took a step closer to her.

Just now, you can feel the heart inside your chest could burst out and explode any moment. He keep coming closer to you, and closer... And closer.

"He told me to kill you."

The heartbeat stopped, and your eyes glares sharply at Broly. "Ah I knew it."

Your fists clenched, you're back with your boxing position. He looked at you with his usual plain emotionless look. You took a step forward and dashed, performing a hard punch against his board chest, but he didn't even move.

"I was joking."

You put down your fists and walk backwards. What exactly IS this MONSTER? That one punch right there could knock down at least five giant trees at the same time! You used that punch to destroy a building and killed tons of native aliens with that. How can he, a stranger, someone who looked like a regular Saiyan, can block your attack?

"(y/n)." He called.

You snap out from your thoughts, "What is it?!"

"I was joking. Father and I do not intend on killing you." He finished his sentence.

"You are playing with my trust. Do you trust me or not?!"

"We do."

Your body relaxed, and you let out a long sigh. "Alright fine, I will spare you this time. That wasn't funny, I don't like that joke."


He approached you to see you in detail, looking down to your small, shorter body. You pushed him away, you never liked it to feel smaller and shorter from anyone else.

A minute passed with awkward-ness.

"(y/n). Father and the people from the capital is charging the fuel."

That sentence is enough to make you groan. "How long will that take? Ah... I should have slept longer..."

"One hour to charge, and two minutes to fly the ship from there to here." He answered.

"I hate this space trip already. Can I go and kill the citizens while he's there?"

"I already did. The only native aliens left are the ones that are helping my father with the ship."

Another groan escaped your mouth. You never liked it to wait, and now you need to wait for an hour! But you quickly regain your cool attitude when you noticed Broly is staring at you.


Ten minutes passed.

"Alright, what's the point of the joke earlier?"

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