Chapter 5. Freeza Army

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"Say, Broly... Where do you come from? And where are we heading?"

He's peeling a fruit next to you. "To... Lord Freeza's ship."

"And the thing around your head." You pointed at his headgear.

He was silent for a moment, and look around to see if his father is anywhere in the cabin. After making sure it's safe, he spoke up.

"This device... Father helped me control my power. I used to have electric collar, but... This one is better since I don't have to feel pain."

You nod, finally getting the answer you need. "And... Power? How big is your power?"

"It's pretty dangerous and big. For years he trained me to control it, but no avail. At first he created a shock collar to help me control it... But once he gets to Freeza's ship, the scientists helped him making a new device. It's less painful but... It's scary because I can't be free."

You touched the head tiara and sighed. Must be hard to live as Broly. His father may be a control freak... "I'm sure it's for the greater good. But I don't agree with mind or shock therapy stuffs. You should be getting the appropriate help, not torture and control."

"Thank you, (y/n). You are very nice."

He drops the fruit knife and stood up just to hug you. A smile formed on your face as you stood up and hugged him back before Paragus interrupted your romantic and intimate moment. The two of you quickly separate the hug and act like nothing had happened.

"We are about to arrive at Freeza Planet 104. You two separate and get ready. Remember, Broly. Behave and act civil. As for you, (y/n), if anybody asked just tell them you're with us."

You nod your head. "Sure. I will behave like a good girl."

He approached Broly and took Broly with him. "We will arrive in ten minutes. Pack your stuffs. A ship will come to pick us up."

"Yes, sir." You grinned.


You packed your stuffs into the suitcase of yours. You feel like a complete grown up after leaving Planet Aria. Who knows what's await you out there? Maybe you will become a soldier, or maybe something else. After all, this isn't your first time interacting with Freeza armies. Ten years before present day, some of the native aliens in your Home World were kidnapped to be used as experiment. You remembered your parents telling you to never mess or get near someone... An alien named Freeza.

But here you are, in a ship with two Freeza's mens.

The suitcase and Backpack felt lighter now. You already ate half of the snacks you brought to the ship. There's still a few snack bars left just in case if anything happens to you.

Eight minutes had passed, you dragged the suitcase out of your bedroom. It's not that big nor heavy. You can carry it on your bag for several minutes if you need to make a dash.

As expected, Broly is there. He's only only a small bag. Guess they didn't plan to get separated from the main ship.

You made sure Paragus is not here yet. "So, Broly... How did you guys get separated from the main ship?"

"We... Were retreating from earth... But we were too late and had to use the smaller ship to return to the main Freeza ship. However a meteor struck us ten days ago and broke the ship. We had no choice but to pirate other space ship and travel from planet to planet until we get close enough to contact the main ship."

"TEN DAYS?! Wow, you guys are true survivors!"

A soft smile appeared on his face. Aw he look so adorable. "Thank you."

The two of you caught a round shape of a planet. After a few seconds, the landscape became much clearer. It's a beautiful pink color dominating planet with two rings around it. While the ship keep approaching closer, you noticed one... wait no, three, ten... More than ten spaceships approached your ship.


Paragus appeared in just the right time. "Don't panic, (y/n). They are just patrolling. I will speak to them."

You got scared. You never see any spaceship like theirs before. It scares you so Broly act fast and hold your hand. "It's okay, (y/n). You can trust my father. He's going to do the best for us."

Knowing Paragus is busy communicating, you hug his arm and pretend to be overly scared. What a sneaky thing to do.


"My name is Paragus. I'm a soldier in Freeza's army. We got separated from the main ship and only looking for help so we can contact the main ship."

"Give us a time. We will try to identify your identity. How many people are inside? Don't lie or we will shoot."

"Three including me. My son, Broly and a new soldier in training named (y/n). All three of us are Saiyans and we mean no harm."

"Alright, we managed to confirm your identity, Mr. Paragus. And your son Broly. Please abandon the ship you're currenly riding and come with us. We don't want you bringing anything to the Freeza Planet."

"That would be easy. We are ready."

"Good. Please wait for our driver."



You are currently hugging Paragus after he closed the call. He's clearly bothered but don't make any attempt to make you go away. After a few seconds you jumped away from him and walk together with Broly to the smaller ship that will take you and the others straight to the planet!

"Hold on. Why is the planet named Freeza?"

"He... It's always been like that."

"Hmm sure!"


It will take ten minutes to land, so you decided to peek outside the window and be amazed by the view. Just when you start to enjoy your trip, a flash of memory strike into your head.

'Alright, (y/n), we got a bad feeling about Lord Freeza's visit. I will fly you to another planet, it won't be too far away. Just one galaxy away from ours.'

Mama...? I don't want to go anywhere!'

'(y/n), you must! If nothing happens, we will pick you up in a month!'


"Mama?" Broly asked.

You return to the reality. "Nothing."


Holy shit the views is rocketing. See you guys at 400+ Views! >:3c

Why? Cause I'm preparing some rad shit

By the way I'm an artist support me xoxo

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