Chips in a Box & a Cancel

10 3 10

They taste weird.


Wattpad was being a jerk the other day.

And today 01/29/2018, my one college class I had today was CANCELLED!

Like dam, I get why some people be like yay, but for me, it means boredom. I could've been at my High School in the library fronting books, making coffee, and helping my fav librarian! People are cruel when they cancel a class. I only go Tuesday and Thursday with a bunch of other kids and my class starts at 8am and ends at 9:15am. And the bus doesn't leave until 10:50am! Not to mention I have a bit of writing block because I want to get the next scene out where Ash is going to be hunting that mysterious beast in Markings and try to write the next scene of Prank Wars where Karashuu is in a very heated scene and I want to make it PERFECT because I want to be able to write smexy scenes. 

It's like I can read smexy smutty scenes, but terrible at writing it. I can easily do fluff and the chapter labeled Death Wish Pt 1 was the very first time writing something like that!!!

Til next rant....

USA Time: 8:32 am

Romaina Time: 4:32 pm

29 January 2019

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