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 Aphrodite/ Venus-  goddess of love, sex, and beauty

Athena/Minerva- goddess of reason, wisdom, and war

 Artemis/Diana- fleet-footed goddess of the hunt; the moon

Ares/Mars- god of bloodlust

Apollo/Apollo- god of the sun; music; prophecy

Demeter/Ceres-an agricultural goddess

Dionysus/Bacchus- god of wine

Hades/Pluto- god of the Underworld; control dead; shadow travel (on any test I took he was my father)

Hera/Juno- queen of the gods (blech); marriage and family (she tossed her newborn son out the window because he was 'ugly')

Hermes/Mercury- god of travels; luck; deception

Poseidon/Neptune- god of the sea/ocean; earthquakes; horses

Zeus/Jupiter- king of the gods; lord of the sky

Hephaestus/Vulcan- god of fire; masonry; craftsman

Hestia/Vesta- virgin goddess; goddess of the hearth

Iris/Arcus- goddess of rainbows and messages

Nike/Victoria- goddess of victory

Tyche/Fortuna- goddess of fortune

Nemesis/Rivalitas- goddess of revenge

Persephone/Proserpina- queen of the Underworld; spring growth

Hecate- goddess of magic; witchcraft; doorways; the mist

Eros- god of love (Cupid)


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