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Name: Ashley (Ash) Winter

Villain/Hero name: Ash

Age: 14

Birthday: October 31

Height: 5'4"

Body type: slim

Blood type: AB negative

Parents: Deceased

Siblings: Ashton Winter (19-villain-aka Ten)

Quirk (in simple terms): magic* and two forms**

Dwellings: in a mansion***

Class: she hangs out around UA, but doesn't actually go to a class

Class ranking: since she doesn't really go to class, she doesn't have a ranking, but she is book smart and business smart

Personality: shy, quiet, sneaky, compassionate, protective, caring, honest (and sometimes brutally honest)

Eating habit: she doesn't eat meat, she has a bit of a sweet tooth, she loves spinach pizza with Parmesan cheese!

Friends: who knows

Affilitration: neutral, although she does lean more on the Hero side

Likes: pizza, candy, smoothie, animals, cooking/baking, her friends, reading

Dislikes: bullies, her brother,  shopping, (unless it's book shopping)

Wealth: Very. Her parents owned an eatery and a sweet shop that she inherited after her brother decided to become a villain and stopped taking care of the businesses

Attacks: she has had practice in all forms of martial arts, but she hates fighting.

Fav weapons: she likes knives for some odd reason

*she can move one thing to another place. Ex. if she is at school and wants something from her house (a place she knows very well) she can just teleport it to her. However, the drawback of her Quirk is that if she hasn't been to a place, say a phone shop, she can't teleport anything from that shop.

**Form 1: Human

Form 2: Fairy-Quirk in this form: heal internal injury and a bit of levitationDrawbacks: extremely tired after leaving her vulnerable

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Form 2: Fairy
-Quirk in this form: heal internal injury and a bit of levitation
Drawbacks: extremely tired after leaving her vulnerable

Form 2: Fairy-Quirk in this form: heal internal injury and a bit of levitationDrawbacks: extremely tired after leaving her vulnerable

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***Mansion (pic is by Pixabay on Pexels)

***Mansion (pic is by Pixabay on Pexels)

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