Monday March 25, 2019

22 3 4

School starts at: 7:55 am
School ends: 3:15 pm

My school librarian isn't here today, which means I'm in the office.

My classes are as followed, for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:
1) pre cal
2)lib aide
3)lib aide
4)lib aide
5)lib aide
6)English IV
7)financial lit
8)family and consumer sci.

Does anyone see my predicament of what happens when my fav, and only,  school librarian isn't here?

Each class is 45-50 minutes.

On Tuesday and Thursday:
Get on bus and head to college class at 6:50
English class is from: 8-9:15
Bus doesn't leave until 10:50
5) finish last 10-15 mins of lib aide
6) english IV
7)financial lit
8)family and consumer sci.

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