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The bookworm sat in a booth at IHop;

An aisle over there was a cop.

She had out one of her many favourite book,

And then a menu she was handed she then took.

Her coloured hair hid her pale face,

As she put her book away with grace.

She read over the menu which she was handed,

A Belgian waffle and a diet pepsi she quietly demanded.

After a wait of ten minutes, she got her food,

She ate her food while feeling a bit subdued.

After eating all her food she did pay,

Then she waited for her buddies too look her way.

Finally when all were full and done,

In the car, room in the back for one.

In the backseat she vice versed buckled and sat,

As she put her black bag in her lap.

The car then started and off they all went,

She pulled out her phone, which was a bit dent.

She unlocked the phone to get to her one of many apps,

Pandora was chosen, and she, in head, quietly rapped.

Then she once again pulled out another book,

Along with her gray and black checkered notebook.

She then stopped her reading to tell a tale,

And hoped for the best in the department of all details.

There lies in Greek mythology demigods and the Big Three,

Percy Jackson, Jason, and Nico, Lord of the Sky, the Underworld, and the Sea.

The tale will start with Zeus, the commander of the Sky,

To all the humans he hate he did mortify.

An oath he took, but broke,

Had to turn his daughter, out of pity, into a tree of oak.

He was a big jerk, he was hardly ever fair,

Always broke his promise to Hera, and kept having affairs.

Now to Poseidon, the lord of the sea,

The coolest in a sense of all the Big Three.

Control the water, he does, with a-many more powers,

His feelings shows through the storms and waters.

Over a hundred kids he did have and married he has been,

Outside he is, always tan, you can tell that he had a bit of redskin.

To the favorite of all time, the King of the Dead,

Always sad and gloomy, not really one for bloodshed.

He was not blue, but pale, never one for the sun,

But cared for his one mortal wife son.

Helped in the Great War he did only for Nico

And once talked to Nico in Puerto Rico.

All of the Big Three childrens have much powers,

Praise and honour they were all, but one, was showered.

Now to tell the tale of the one and only Percy Jackson,

He is in no way related to the Anglo-Saxons.

Poseidon was his father, pride and true,

He will eat any edible food that was blue.

Control water he can, to move and to heal,

He can understand horses and animals of the sea, including seals.

Jason was his name, who could control the winds,

He had to wear glasses and his glasses were wire-rimmed.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, he was a typical American boy.

Percy Jackson he does so annoy.

Nico the pale Death boy, almost always alone,

Quiet and shy, but helpful and nice, he deserves a throne.

Can shadow travel and rise and control the dead,

His cabin, thank you designers, is dark and dank, with a coffin as a bed.

The tale is now said and done, for the destination has been reached,

Finally out of the small car, she let out a quiet screech.

All walked in and crowded it was,

There was a sign with good o' Santa Clause.

Enjoy the stay but do not to lose sight,

There may be people, or kids, who hit and bite.

This was kinda a group project, we each had to create something along the lines of the Canterbury tale where we had to write our own tales. I helped them out at the beginning with theirs. And this is purely mine. I hope you like it!

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