Chapter 2

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Jack had just finished his last lamp and slid down the ladder. He tied it back to his bike and then he leaned against the lamppost. 

After a while he saw the front door of 17 Cherry Tree Lane open, and Jane Banks stepped outside.

Jack's eyes lit up the moment he saw her walking through the door.  Oh how lovely she looked...

"Hi!" Jane smiled and closed the door behind her. She walked towards Jack, not being able to wipe the smile of her face. Jack has that power somehow, and she's quite glad about it. 

"Hiya." Jack said, not taking his eyes of her for even one second. 

"Did I keep you waiting for too long? I'm so sorry, I had to say goodbye to Micheal and the children..." Jane started to ramble but Jack cut her off.

"Jane, Jane... it's fine. Don't worry about it. You gave me enough time to finish my rounds so now I don't have anywhere to be, but with you." He said, placing his hand gently on one of her shoulders. 

Jane blushed. 

"Well... Considering that, maybe you would like to accompany me on my way home?" Jane asked as she gave him a loving smile. 

"I would be delighted to!" Jack beamed as he picked up his bike. -

"Now my lady, would you prefer a walk or a ride?" Jack said gesturing to the bike. 

Jane giggled.

"Do you mind if we walk? It's not that I don't like riding with you on your bike, I mean, I loved it the first time! But it would be a lot easier to talk if we just walk." Jane said, her cheeks flushing red as she looked at her feet. 

And they would be together for way longer...

"Of course. That's fine." Jack said and put his bike against a fence. 

"Won't you be needing it tomorrow?" Jane asked.

"Oh yes, but I'll just pick it up later. Wouldn't be much fun if there's constantly a bike in between us now would it?" Jack laughed and Jane smiled. He really is so thoughtful. 

"Ok then." Jane said and they began walking.

"You know, I always did wonder where you'd moved. I tried to find you for a while but never succeeded." Jack blushed.

"You tried to find me?" Jane asked.

"Well yes. I missed seeing you in the window so I tried to find you, but never did. Of course, I didn't know you'd moved to the other side of town." Jack said. 

"You could have asked Micheal, he would have told you. I'm sure of it." Jane said.

"Yes, I'm sure he would have if I would have had the courage to ask him." Jack laughed and looked at the sky. Jane did the same. 

"It's lovely isn't it?" Jack said.

"What?" Jane asked.

"The sky. Whenever I look up to it it just instantly calms me down and makes me happy." Jack said. 

Jane smiled. 

"Yes, it is lovely." She said, not noticing that Jack had stopped walking. When she did, she turned around and looked at him with a confused look on her face.

"What is it, Jack?" She asked.

Jack walked up to Jane and took her hands in his. 

"You have the same effect on me. Whenever I look at you, I just feel so calm and happy. When I look at you I feel like the happiest man in the world." He said.

"Well, Jack I think you already are the happiest man in the world." Jane joked. 

He laughed. 

"But, thank you for saying that Jack. It makes me very happy to know that you're happy." Jane said as she gently cupped his cheek. 

Then she continued walking and Jack followed.

After what seemed like an eternity of pure happiness, they arrived at Jane's flat. 

"So... We're here." Jane said stopping before the lamppost that was right in front of the door. 

"I suppose we are." Jack said, already dreading having to say goodbye. 

"I had the most wonderful time today Jack. Not just now but also the Spring Fair. Today was just marvelous." Jane beamed. 

"I agree. We should do it again sometime..." Jack smiled.

"You mean flying through the air with balloons?" Jane said and they laughed.

"As much as I would love to, I actually meant taking a walk together." Jack said and blushed a bit.

Jane giggled.

"I would love that, Jack." She said.

"Good. That's settled then." Jack said.

"When do you have in mind?" Jane asked, trying to keep him here with her as long as possible.

"Well, I could stop by here tomorrow morning, after my morning rounds." Jack said.

"Oh yes! You could walk with me to the union hall! You see, we're handing out breakfast again. A never ending job I'm afraid, but at least people get a nice warm breakfast to start their day." Jane talked happily. Jack looked at her with a smile. He loved how excited she always gets when she talks about her job. How much she likes to help people... people like him. The fact that she's nothing like most other women in her social class isn't a surprise to Jack, but he is undeniably amazed by it. 

"I'm sorry, am I talking to much?" Jane suddenly asked.

"No! No, no, no... I love to hear you talk." Jack assured her.

Jane's cheeks flushed red immediately. 

"Well that's settled then. I'll stop by here tomorrow morning after my morning rounds and I'll walk you to the union hall." Jack summarized. 

"Good." Jane said. 

"Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow then, Miss Jane Banks." Jack smiled and tipped his hat at her. 

She smiled. As he wanted to walk away, she stopped him by grabbing his arm. He turned back to her and she was suddenly closer to him than he had expected her to be. She took both of his hands and then placed a gentle kiss on his left cheek. Jack's heart raced in his chest at her lips touching his skin. She pulled back and smiled at him.

"See you tomorrow, Jack." She said as she walked towards her door. Micheal was right, she thought to herself. This thing she has with Jack is definitely different. A very good different. 



Hope you liked chapter two, guys. xx


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