Chapter 4

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Jane was on her way to 17 Cherry Tree Lane. After spending the morning handing out breakfast at the Union Hall, and the afternoon handing out SPRUCE flyers she was finally done with work and ready to head to her brother's house for dinner. Micheal and the children had helped her hand out the breakfast and they had a wonderful time together. Jane loves her family more than anything in the world so spending time with them is her favourite thing to do. 

As she approached the house she saw a familiar bike standing out front. She smiled to herself. She never doubted the fact that he would come, but still she was relieved to see that he did come. 

She rang the doorbell and after a few moments the door opened, little Georgie standing on the other side. 

"Hello aunt Jane!" Georgie said and he gave his aunt a big hug.

"Hello Georgie, how are you this fine evening?" Jane asked, kneeling down to face him.

"I'm fine, thank you! Uncle Jack is already here, he's in the dining room." Georgie said and as soon as he was done he ran into the kitchen.

Jane giggled at her always energized nephew. She did notice something in his sentence though, did he say 'uncle Jack'? Jane blushed as the thought popped into her mind. 

Jane took of her coat and put it on the coat rack. A few moments later she was greeted by the twins.

"John, Annabel.  Good evening my darlings." Jane said giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Good evening aunt Jane. We're on our way to help Ellen prepare the last few things for dinner and father is finishing off his new painting so he will be down in a few." Annabel said. 

"Oh so he found his inspiration then?" Jane asked.

"Yes! As soon as we walked back into our street this morning he said he found 'the perfect view' of our home and the cherry blossoms." John said. 

"Ah that's lovely. I can't wait to see it!" Jane smiled.

"Neither can we, be he says it's a surprise." Annabel rolled her eyes. 

Jane grinned. 

"Well then we have something to look forward to, haven't we?" She said.

Then there was a loud bang coming from the kitchen.

"Oh goodness, we really should go help Ellen. Excuse us aunt Jane." John said and they both ran into the kitchen. Jane was considering going after them to see if she needed to help, but her niece and nephew knew perfectly well how to handle situations like this by now so she decided to go into the dining room instead.

There, sitting at the table was Jack. He looked up the moment she walked into the room and he stood up from his chair. They just stared at each other for a moment until Jack walked around the table to greet her. Only then could Jane see that he wasn't wearing his normal attire, but something a little more fancy. 

Jack took Jane's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"Good evening miss Jane." He said.

"Good evening Jack." Jane said, smiling at him.

"May I say you look absolutely stunning this evening?" Jack said giving her a cheeky smile.

Jane's cheeks turned red.

"Why thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She said with a smile, gesturing to his formal outfit.

Jack smiled. He had chosen to wear this to be respectful towards Jane and her family because as they are of course above him in the social class, it would be rude to sit at their dinner table wearing his lamplighting attire. He didn't think Jane or her family really cares about whether or not he is a worker but he still found it necessary to act respectfully towards them. Also, he just wanted to look nice for Jane. 

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