Chapter 9

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8 months after the proposal, the big day finally arrived. The wedding was taking place in the park in front of Cherry Tree Lane. They had so many beautiful memories there so it wasn't even a question. The park was beautifully decorated in a baby blue and baby pink theme: they liked to think of those as their colours. 

Jack sat down on a bench. He was wearing a dark navy blue suit (that he had saved up for since before the proposal) and was trying to put on his tie. He never wears ties and when he does, Jane is there to help him put it on but now he couldn't see her until the ceremony of course so he had to figure it out himself. When he was somewhat satisfied with his own work he sighed and looked around. It truly looked beautiful and he couldn't wait for his soon-to-be wife to see all this. She'd been so busy planning and making sure everything is perfect, but now she gets to actually experience all of her hard work. 

Micheal sat down next to Jack. He gave him a smile and a pat on the shoulder. 

"Nervous?" He asked Jack.

"A little. More excited to see her at this point. I feel like I haven't seen her in days." Jack chuckled.

"You've only been apart for one night!" Micheal laughed.

Jack laughed too.

"Yes well what can I say, I love her too much to miss her even one night." Jack said with a smile.

"That's good, because after today you'll never have to be apart again." Micheal said.

Jack gave Micheal a grateful smile. 

"Thank you, for everything." Jack said. He truly was so grateful for everything that Micheal had done for him in the past year. He couldn't wish for a better brother-in-law.

"No problem, Jack, really. I'm still paying you back for helping to save the house." Micheal laughed.

"And you know, we're brothers now- or soon-to-be anyway. It's what we're supposed to do right?" Micheal gave Jack another pat on the shoulder and stood up.

Jack nodded.

"Good luck up there. You're going to make her very happy, as you do every day already." Micheal said and walked off. 

Jack smiled to himself. 


Jane was sitting in front of her niece's makeup table, (which actually was Jane's when she was young) looking at herself in the mirror. 

She'd done her own makeup and let Ellen do her hair, but she didn't want anything too spectacular. Jack likes her the way she is and that is what she wants to look like on her wedding day. She'd chosen to wear her mother's old wedding dress, which was still in perfect shape. Winnifred Banks had kept it that way in case a certain daughter of hers would ever need to use it. Unfortunately she wasn't here to see her daughter wear it. 

Jane thought of her mother. How badly she wanted her to be here today to see her marry the love of her life. Mother had always told her to marry for love, whereas her father always told her to marry a wealthy and respectable man. 

Jane laughed to herself. Oh how her father would have reacted to finding out his eldest daughter was marrying a lamplighter. Jack would have charmed him eventually though, she thought. He has that superpower, as she likes to call it.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Ready to get...- " Micheal asked, peering his head through the door and seeing his sister all ready for her wedding.

"-married... Jane, you look so beautiful... my goodness. Mother and father would have been so proud of you." Micheal said, tearing up a bit thinking about their parents. Plus, seeing his sister in their mother's old wedding dress brought back many memories. 

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