Chapter 7

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Three months passed since Jack asked Jane to be with him. They're still the happiest couple and spend all of their time together. Jack moved into Jane's apartment a month into their relationship. It took a bit of time, some talks with the landlord and a couple of judgemental neighbours, but it eventually got to happen and they were both over the moon. Now, two months later and Jack still isn't used to waking up next to the woman of his dreams. The girl he always used to wave to when he was a child. Back then he could only dream that she would see him the same way, but now, she's his girlfriend and he's still utterly amazed by it. 

Jack was gathering his things to go and turn down the lamps. Jane was still sleeping so he tried to be as quiet as possible. Mornings were alright though, because he only needed a couple of cloths and his ladder, which he has outside strapped to his bike. For his evening rounds however, he needs his lighting pole which is a lot harder to juggle out of the house.  

He looked at Jane. She always smiles in her sleep and Jack thinks it's the most adorable thing. He smiles to himself. How lucky he is...

Jack had a special evening planned for them today. He even asked Angus to take over his evening rounds, which he never does. Only if he is so sick that he can't walk, and that rarely happens. He was going to take Jane out for an evening stroll, but he still needed the help of some friends to make everything as perfect as he wanted it to be. You see, he was planning on asking a very important and special question...

Thinking about this, he accidentally tripped over his lighting pole, which he had left on the floor somewhat inconvenient the evening before, and landed on the floor with a bang. He was fine, but he felt bad because Jane shot up in bed the moment he landed on the floor. 

"Jack! Darling, are you alright?" She said worriedly, quickly going to help him. 

"Yes, right on time. Don't worry." He said. 

"Right on time... Oh! Perfectly fine." Jane said, helping him up. 

She was still trying to get the hang of leerie speak, but she was learning bit by bit. 

"Very good, Jane Banks. Very clever of you." Jack said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Jane grinned. 

"Why thank you. The children have been teaching me, and it seems to be paying off." She laughed. -"Are you sure you're alright though? You had quite a nasty fall." She said, looking him over to see if he was injured.

"No really Jane, I'm alright. More sorry about waking you up, though. You were sleeping so soundly." He said and tucked a stray piece of her blond hair behind her ear. 

"Don't worry, Jack. I still have a lot of flyers to distribute today so it's best I start early anyway." Jane said and squeezed his hand.

He smiled at her.

"Alright then. I better get going. The sooner I start the sooner I get to see you again." Jack said and booped her nose. This had become a habit of his, and she loved it. 

Jane laughed.

"That's the spirit!" She said and giggled. 

Jack put on his jacket a wanted to walk out of the door but heard a cough behind him. He turned around and saw Jane looking at him with a stern face. 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked.

Jack thought for a moment. He saw her grinning. Then he realized what he indeed was forgetting. He walked over to where she was sitting, bent over to reach her face and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. When they broke apart she smiled.

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