Chapter 5

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The next few days Jack would stop by Jane's flat every morning, pick her up for a morning walk to work and then meet her again in the evening after his evening rounds. Sometimes he would accompany her to her rallies, giving her a ride on his bike. They weren't quite certain where they stood yet, since they hadn't talked about "them" since their kiss on the rooftop. Sometimes Jane would steal a quick kiss when no one was watching, but that was all that happened between them. 

Jack had been thinking about this a lot. He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend but wasn't sure how to do it. Should he just spring the question on her on one of their walks? Or should he ask her out on a date and ask her then? He didn't know. 

He did know one thing though: He had to ask Micheal for his permission. He wanted to make sure that Micheal was alright with him courting Jane as he knows that Micheal and Jane are very close and that Micheal wants to protect his sister very dearly. 

So, with that Jack was on his way to 17 Cherry Tree Lane to speak with Micheal Banks. He had just dropped Jane of at one of her rallies so it was the perfect time to speak with mr. Banks alone. 

He peddled into the street and stopped his bike at the usual spot in front of the Banks' home. He walked towards the door with his hat in his hands and knocked on the door. 

It took a while, but eventually the door was opened by Ellen, who was delighted to see the lamplighter again. 

"Oh hello Jack! How lovely to see you again, come on in!" She said and gestured for Jack to come in. 

"Thank you, Ellen." Jack said and looked around if he could see mr. Banks anywhere.

"If you're looking for Jane, she isn't here I'm afraid." Ellen said with a grin. 

"Oh, no I know. I dropped her of at a rally this morning. I'm actually here to see mr. Banks, if he's available?" Jack asked with a genuine smile.

"I'm sure he is. He's in his office upstairs, working on his painting. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you coming in." Ellen said and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Alright, thanks Ellen." Jack said and started to walk upstairs. He had only been in the children's nursery once, when they went into the Royal Doulton Bowl with Mary Poppins, but he hadn't seen the other parts of the first floor yet. He looked around a bit and saw a tiny picture in a frame, of a girl that looked very familiar. He didn't even need to think about who it was. He'd remember that giggling, freckled face anywhere. He was so lost in thought that he hadn't heard Micheal coming up behind him.

"Ah yes, Jane always did love to laugh." Micheal grinned, referring to the picture of Jane, mid-giggle.

Jack startled and turned around.

"Oh! Mr. Banks! I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you come in." He said, giving him an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about it, Jack. I'm sorry I startled you. It seems you were lost in thought." Micheal said and smiled to himself. 

"I was. It's a beautiful picture of her." Jack said, remembering the times he used to wave at her through the window. 

"Yes it is. It was our mother's favourite picture of her. Jane didn't care much for it though. Says she looks weird in it. When she was a teenager we all had to hide this picture from her, but now she finds it alright to keep it here." Micheal said, laughing at old times.

 Jack chuckled.

"What brings you here, Jack?" Micheal asked, facing him.

"Oh, I wanted to talk to you about something Mr. Banks... well actually I wanted to ask you something." Jack said, fiddling with his hat, that was still in his hands.

"Please call me Micheal, and of course. Let's go into my office so we can sit." Micheal said and gestured for Jack to follow him. 

When they were both seated Jack started his story. He had rehearsed it many times in his head but somehow it all came out differently. As soon as he started to talk about Jane, his heart took over control of his head.

"Well, Mr... I mean Micheal." Jack smiled. -

"I have reconnected with your sister for a couple of weeks now and I must say that I absolutely adore her. She's the most wonderful woman I have ever met and I would love to spend more time with her, at least, more than we already do. I am hopelessly in love with her, and I feel like the happiest man on the planet when I'm with her. My question is: May I have your permission to be with Jane? " -

"Jack-" Micheal started but got cut off by Jack, who wasn't quite ready to stop yet.

"I promise that I won't ever hurt her, or abandon her or be cruel to her. I will love her with all my heart and we shall never be apart. I will take care of her with all that I have and she will never be sad as long as I live. I promise you." Jack said with determination.

"Jack..." Micheal said, but then gave him a warm smile.-

"Of course you have my permission to be with Jane. I can see that you make her happier than anyone in the world, and I saw it from the first moment you two were together. Though, for a moment I thought you were asking for my blessing to wed her!" Micheal laughed and Jack startled a bit but giggled along. Did he really make it sound like that?  He smiled to himself.

"Well then you know what my answer will be when you do decide to propose to her, so you don't have to come to me again. You have my blessing, to be together, to wed, to have a thousand children, whatever you two want! As long as she's happy with you, I am too." Micheal said, and gave Jack a pat on the back. 

Jack gave Micheal a thankful smile. He was happy to know that Micheal approved of him and found him worthy to be with his sister. Especially since he is a worker. And, about the marrying part, it was good to know, for sure.

"Thank you so much, Micheal. It means the world to me." Jack said.

"Don't worry. Now, have you talked to Jane yet?" Micheal asked.

"No, not yet. I wanted to get your permission before I asked her anything." Jack said.

"Well then, you know what you have to do now, don't you?" Micheal grinned and led Jack down the stairs and towards the door. 

Jack thought for a moment. 

"Wait, Micheal." Jack said and looked at Micheal with a pensive look.

"What is it?" Micheal asked.

"Could you do me a favour?" Jack asked and whispered the favour into his ear. 

Micheal nodded with a grin.

"Thank you!" Jack said as he walked out of the door towards his bicycle. 

"Good luck!" Micheal called after him as Jack cycled away. 

Now all Jack had to do was go to the park and wait for Jane. 



Finally! Chapter 5! I suddenly had inspiration for a new chapter so I just decided to roll with it. No one-on-one Jane/Jack moments this chapter, but nonetheless I hope you still liked it. Also I just loved the idea of Jack being all nervous to ask Micheal for permission to be with Jane so here it is ;)


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